Saturday, August 30, 2014

What's important is you here me now.

Family went through a tough time recently. I'm just glad it's over and honestly I don't give my mother enough credit for being strong. She annoys the hell out of me sometimes but I know her weather-beaten hands went through a lot for me to be who I am today.

On a happier note, went for an impromptu kboxing session with ML and C yesterday. Have forgotten how fun it can be going for it with them. Absolutely hilarious. Also freaking obvious we are children of the 90s and early 2000s. We knew all the lyrics to the songs from boybands.

I'm grateful for what I have here and now. Things can be a lot better and also a lot worse. I have to remember as I strive to be better, to not forget, I don't have it bad. In fact far from it, but yes, I can make it better.