Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Little Prince

I wish I could understand French...

The animation seems gorgeous and I'm glad they aren't making it totally about the book. We can live through the eyes of the little girl and how the book is meant to be read. So many things, we as adults can gather from the book, but it was written for children and I look forward to enjoying it through the eyes of a child.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Being nasty

Today during dinner I was rude and sullen and they probably left the table thinking I was a horrible person. But to be honest, the alternative to me being rude was me being honest and nasty. So many nasty things I wanted to say. That I could (should) have say.

But I held it in, I'm not sure why.

Why do I care about certain things? When I don't need to.

I won't be here when you need me to.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

What's important is you here me now.

Family went through a tough time recently. I'm just glad it's over and honestly I don't give my mother enough credit for being strong. She annoys the hell out of me sometimes but I know her weather-beaten hands went through a lot for me to be who I am today.

On a happier note, went for an impromptu kboxing session with ML and C yesterday. Have forgotten how fun it can be going for it with them. Absolutely hilarious. Also freaking obvious we are children of the 90s and early 2000s. We knew all the lyrics to the songs from boybands.

I'm grateful for what I have here and now. Things can be a lot better and also a lot worse. I have to remember as I strive to be better, to not forget, I don't have it bad. In fact far from it, but yes, I can make it better.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Every person I tell, it seems more real. I don't want to face it. I don't want to think about it.

But tomorrow I will be with you for it.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

There are some things I'll never forget

Certain moments with you. Certain times we spent. Specific points of memorable conversations.

Certain sounds that can still cause me to tear.

Your laughter. Your beautiful beautiful smile.

The moment I received the call.

12, 13 and forever.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Best years of my life.

Hands down my days as a uni student.

Was doing a little packing of my room today and came across some notebooks I used to take notes. Lol, I am a person who starts each new entry on the right side of an open book, so naturally the left side pages are a lot more blank. Or they would have been if not for all the notes between friends in them! Hahaha, ended up having a good read of what we talked about (mostly bitching) and even tiny doodles or caricatures of fellow students who we didn't like. I WAS A TERRIBLE STUDENT.

So precious these memories. <3 p="">

Monday, May 19, 2014

Word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out.

Took a slow walk home in a little drizzle today. Fitting for a day full of ups and down. And boy am I feeling a little down. Lunch was the bright spark in my day, meeting MH and discovering what a delight cedele salad is. Rest of the day was a bit more deary tho. I'm glad I worked late today, gave me a period to focus, mope and dwell on things I can't with people around. I think I needed that, the calm before the storm.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Every demon wants his pound of flesh.

One of my fave performances on Glee. And I didn't even know of this song until after I saw the video from Glee. Beautiful. Also, they got 3 of the singers who sing with such passion and emotion. Lea Michelle is a really good theater singer...but pop music not so much.When I first heard the three above singing the song, I had tears in my eyes.

Am recovering from a rather dramatic and strong bout of a viral flu. Reminded me of how people often confuse the common cold and flu. Just remember that flu makes you feel 10X worse. zzz. Rather glad the worst of it is almost over. Feeling ill really is no fun. At all. Hate the feeling of weakness and general lack of energy to do anything.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What happens when our paths stop crossing?

when we stop liking the same things, when our interests diverge?

will we stop having things to talk about?

what if you thought process opposes mine?

its a little scary.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

孫燕姿 - "無限大"

某張照片 追究也太傻
某個情節 又何需驚訝
某些白髮 真實的表達
某個以後 都是無限大


I am super in love with this song. strong, emotional, catchy and shows off her voice beautifully.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy Birthday

It's almost half my lifetime ago.

I remember hangout times where we talked about the music we like and that awesome point when we realised how similar our tastes in music were. I remember getting super excited hearing the new vertical horizon song in my Dad's car on the way to school cause when I reached, you'll be there and we would gush over how good it was. I remember swapping CDs. I remember loaning you CDs when you were hospitalised. I remember many things.

I've also forgotten so many. Is this was growing up is?

But sometimes, sometimes, I can picture your face as you smile at me. Your laughter when I tease you.

And all the regrets come rushing back.

I hope you're happy where you are now, if only for the sake of those you left behind.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Sometimes I forget how stupid the internet can be.

Armchair politicians and critics. many people find it so easy to complain and critique the actions of others from the safety of their armchair, behind a computer screen.

My bad, I forget, stupidity knows no boundaries.

Get off your fat ass and do something about it then. You fail to see so much of the picture when your exposure is framed. You see only one side to it and more often then not see only a snippet of the entire iceberg. Do a little research, acknowledge that there are possibilities you cannot fathom. 


a friendly reminder to myself too.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Chinese New Year 2014

The older I get the more meaningful such festivities get. My my, how old I'm getting, my thoughts are getting antique, in the way I realised that nothing is forever. Everything is finite, everything comes to an end. So what you have right now is precious.

Just like how having time to waste is precious.

Chinese New Year goodies, the heart and mouth are willing but the stomach is not. I am appalled by how little I can actually consume before my stomach protests. How melancholy, I wish I could still eat like I used too. I guess this is good news for my body tho.

Festive season has gotten me kind of lonely tho. Sometimes I really wish I had a significant other to spend time with.

...but the idea of living with someone 24/7 is rather off putting. I guess it's me and my thoughts for a long while more.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Back when it happened, the method was too much not to be gossip fodder.

But recently I found out I actually know him. Not close, but such a shock. He always seemed perfectly well adjusted with a strong set of friends.

But I guess the same could have been said for you.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The images your brain chooses to remember

Sometimes I think that I've started to forget how you sound and how you look.

But the one thing that's burnt into my mind? The feeling when they nailed you shut and wheeled you away.

The finality of it. My heartbreak complete.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Nanjing - Shanghai

Went on a trip to China in Dec 2013. Never expected to enjoy myself so much. Super beauty, such contrast. It's triggered off a wanderlust in me for China.

First a collection of feet.

Feetless photos?

China, you've charmed me. I will be back.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Any illusions I had of dating you evaporated when I realised you are religious.

Again, another door closed without possibly ever being opened.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Okay, I admit. I am a tumblr addict. I spend waaaaaay too much time on it.

But. So pretty.

In other more exciting news, I received two mini plant sets to grow. Bravely I have decided to start planting them. Instructions were all in Japanese. Not sure what is going to happen. DUN DUN DUN.