Tuesday, March 18, 2014

孫燕姿 - "無限大"

某張照片 追究也太傻
某個情節 又何需驚訝
某些白髮 真實的表達
某個以後 都是無限大


I am super in love with this song. strong, emotional, catchy and shows off her voice beautifully.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy Birthday

It's almost half my lifetime ago.

I remember hangout times where we talked about the music we like and that awesome point when we realised how similar our tastes in music were. I remember getting super excited hearing the new vertical horizon song in my Dad's car on the way to school cause when I reached, you'll be there and we would gush over how good it was. I remember swapping CDs. I remember loaning you CDs when you were hospitalised. I remember many things.

I've also forgotten so many. Is this was growing up is?

But sometimes, sometimes, I can picture your face as you smile at me. Your laughter when I tease you.

And all the regrets come rushing back.

I hope you're happy where you are now, if only for the sake of those you left behind.