Of all God’s creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat. – Mark Twain
Friday, December 29, 2006
it was a terrible C and pulled my cap down like an anchor. but still, i didn't fail, so i'm pretty happy already. hehs.
anyways, i went to the block party of KR hall B block cause the block head invited me and it was a juan's house. appearantly i was gonna stay in the room beside juan. it was kinda weird and akward but i slowly played games and joined in and stuff. so everything was cool.
until the next day, the block head called to apologize cause the KR admin screwed up and had given my place to another Evelyn. i was pretty bummed out and pissed, but the block head was apologizing and he was really nice about it. in fact he's helping me confirm a place. but i'm on the waiting list now and even if i get a place it may not be a B block, which sucks bad because me and juan were pretty hyped up about staying next to each other again. arrrgh.
tanning with jia and jun yesterday just turned into a pigging out session at jia's house. hahaas. me and jia were at the mrt station waiting for the jun (who had once again overslept), the sky was grey and both of us were not awake. so while we randomly talked about stuff "wanna go my house?" popped up which was responded by an "OK" immediatly. hehs. we are such losers. spent the day at her house cursing and gripping about CORS since it was down the whole time i was there. we watched Itazura Na Kiss, it is soooo much more enjoyable then the draggy taiwan version. instead of ordering food, we ended up cooking asorted dishes in her kitchen which was great fun since jia had a hard time locating all her kitchen whares. hahahahas.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

PURPLE DOGGIE. okay so we teased him back in secondary school when his redcross juniors gave it to him. but seriously, the thing is so hugable. the entire time we were in his room, it was always being hugged by someone. XD
see how big it is against may??? how can you not want to hug it????
HAHAHAHAS. stuff toys galore in his room. this is just cute lah.
heehee. it used to be white. XZ WASH IT!! may thought is was originally GREY.
see??? being hugged. and may is just half wasted there.
OMG XZ SHOULD JUST FORGET ABOUT STUDYING AND SET UP A BAKERY. THE CAKE WAS SO DAMN GOOD. seriously, now i know that homemade cheese cake can taste this good, there is no way in hell i can enjoy a 5-6bucks cheesecake from coffeebean or starbucks or any cafe. seriously, xz's cake topped them all. sheesh, xz!!! your cake has officially made it impossible to enjoy commercial cheesecakes anymore =S
Monday, December 25, 2006
drank wine there. pathetic amount, so no biggie.
but i came home, the parents out. the bro + gf + a couple of friends around. this lethal combination has effectively led us to consume 'holiday-only' amounts of alcohol.
i am amazed i can still type. oh well.
i need to plan mah timetable tonight.
i probably should do it tmr morning.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
You scored as Japanese.
What will you be after reborn? (translation) created with QuizFarm.com |
whaaaaaaaaaa?? hahahahahas.
i swear, my position had bad fengshui. me and zeren(sat beside me) kept losing lahs. we like take turns to lose can?!?!?! OMG bad fengshui baaaaaad fengshui. we ended up having to eat damn a lot can. but kinda got smart later on and teamed up to help each other. meeeeeeeeeh.
ooh, doris was a dear, she wrote me two cards and gave me a notebook with cars on the cover. the sweetie pie.
it kinda made me feel guilty. cause i'm not the birthday-remembering-present-giving kind of person.
i do like to recieve presents (i mean who doesn't) but......i'm just not that sweet thoughtful kind of person. i mean, yah i buy, fret about, make the effort to get awesome gifts for my friends. but...
argh. i guess only a couple of people know what i'm talking about now.
anyways, my family is kinda pushing me to drive them around in my dad's car, to which i replied "cannot. too many people will die. when it's just me and the dad/brother it's just the 2 of us. maybe then i'll drive" i am an all out whimp. the dad's car is big. i call it the hippo car. I AM TERRIFIED OF DRIVING IT.
until then.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
i passed.
whew. hahahas, i never want to step into BBDC ever again. period.
anyway it was like the rain stopped for me!! hahahas. but seriously i love the rain. it's very condusive...for doing stuff like....sleeping.
i like sleeping.
oooh. i haven't bought the xmas presents. and i'm flat broke.
it's like i swear, those people at BBDC are all trying to suck as much money as possible from you. even the damn tp!!! fifty bucks for the liscence. urgh. i had to top up 10dollars cash because my netts had like 40bucks. urgh.
Monday, December 18, 2006
went to town
with yeo xz and may.
ate a loooooong lunch.
saw many peoeple.
people from FASS.
people from NY (like yy. we breezed past each other like stars. hahs.)
people from (OMG) BPPS. weird.
laughed alot.
because may is a retard, but yeo is a bigger retard. XD
gossiped. a lot. gossiping is fun.
walked a lot.
now my feet hurt. o.o
and i am sleepy.
and i am meeting jia and jun at 9am tmr.
wondering if jun can wake up.
we are going to sentosa.
we are going to the beach to snooze and stuff.
hope it doesn't rain.
if it does....we can still hang out and do nothing.
it's not like it's hard or anything.
i bought a cd on friday. i love it much.
did i mention some people are annoying?
Saturday, December 9, 2006
no i am not dead.
just that right now i wanna slack and sleep as much as possible. so i've been putting off contacting people to arrange meeting times and gatherings and stuff. hahs. i just wanna rot the weekend away. i haven't been checking my emails or signing into msn. too much trouble. i love hibernating in my room, for it is cosy and my laptop loves me.
right. anyways i am not dead.
random pictures.
HAHAHAHAS this is me huiqi and wenting. xtin was hiding from the cold. XD anyways wenting looks adorable here. how can i keep it to myself? hahahas.
this is helen and me. hahs. helen is a sweetie pie and acted as 'mary' in our play. we had lots of fun being bimbos. whee.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A GIANT NESCAFE!!!!!
BEWARE THE ATTACK OF THE GIANT NESCAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS GONNA EAT UP MH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahahahahahahahas. i am so not looking at the camera. anyways we were like sec1? those days were pretty fun. XD
Sunday, December 3, 2006
and i'm freaking terrified of TS1101E paper because i went to see the past year paper and all i really wanted to do was go hang myself or smth. that bad. only worse.
aaaanyways. went to sentosa for dinner yesterday. warren had their annual swim camp and i went only for the dinner. HAHAHAS. but seriously i'm damn old there lah. all the kids now...even the 'tweens' or new teens i don't know them and they don't know me. i'm just this 'senior' from some old history that is WGC swim team, and the coaches knew me from young.
but still it was awesome meeting steph, pearlyn and charmaine..and the others. hahahas. the four of us had a sort of reunion dinner(the dinner was steamboat). hang out talked crapped. grumbled to steph. got my ears blasted by seating in the middle of pearlyn and steph. teased charmaine. and had an old round good time.
i guess i'm pretty lucky. i have many friends which are those whom i can meet only once a year ad still we click. we've changed, moved on and hopefully matured. but still, we chat like we've been in constant contact. it's pretty darn awesome.
alright i better get back to mugging. two more to go. and then the driving test. bleeeeeah. >_<
oh and since i sprayed insect repelant on my legs, the freaking mozzies are desprete enough to start attacking my hands. not much blood there. meeh.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
woke a little later replied mh's call. headache gone, but was running a temp, popped two extra fast relief panadol and back to bed.
woke up a few hours later by mum to pop another two pills and eat something. and went back to bed.
woke up at sevenPM with the remains of the headache.
i will be camping in school from early tmr to yanno, catch up on stuff i didn't get to do today. ps paper on friday. no joke okay.
Monday, November 27, 2006

today it's official, commonwealth is moving out of that jurong campus. i wish they wouldn't. isn't the campus still new? that campus was more like home than home itself for at least four years.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
anyways, am STILL in school.
ended up staying overin school with huiqi to study.
i am very sticky right now. but i got quite abit of work done. one ps reading, all the ps chapters after midterm, 4 chapters of EL1101E and one past sem EL paper.
i can run home and sleep in peace. whee.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
maybe cause it drowns out everything else. meeeh whatever.
i have a headache.
been studying at this ONE particular bench at as3 the past few days with christin and this new friend huiqi.
anyway, i have a rather strong gripe. i mug and mug and mug and mug and make sure i remember all the various formulaes and definitions.
and when i test myself, I DON'T REMEMBER A SINGLE BLOODY THINGS.
okay maybe a thing here and there. BUT NOT ENOUGH.
i'm talking about econs here. meaning the stuff i've learnt all before.
wonderful superb.
and tmr is the exam. go me.
well, at least ts performance is over. OOOOOOOOOOOVER. it was...alright i guess. nothing spectacular, nothing disastrous. i'm hoping it can pull my failing grade up.
oh yea, so many entries devoted to dismal grades, i need one awesome one.
remember that ps midterm which i used a grand total of ONE day to study?
i got an A-
i am so pleased about it you have no idea. hahs.
wish me luck for tmr's test. whee.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
i want a sexy ipod. not nano. the type which you can watch videos with.
ts is zapping up my time and energy. especially since i have to be a magician and change clothings in a matter of seconds.
it's like i come to school everyday from rehearsals then camp out in the CL and mug.
i CANNOT wait for exams to be over.
lester just asked me whether i've watched james bond.
L: watched james bond?
me: why on earth would i do that?
L: not handsome meh?
me: HANDSOME?!?!?!?!?!
L: eh....very muscular what.
me: machiam construction worker. ew, no. JB should be suave and sleek.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
see, at the end of the talk, he was flashing the various alummnis and speaking about where they were now. he ended it with "our most famous alummni is..."
a picture of jennette aw was flashed.
immediatly various "but she can't act!!!!" sprung up all around...not too softly.
all well, i agree.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
i am so damn proud of mugger self.
even, now, i'm using the computer only because of having to go into the module forums. hahahas
i am so damn proud.
eh anyway, feeling pretty cool about TS performance. i'm doubling up as Ma and Sally. hehs. very different roles, but both equally fun to play. and according to mah director, i am a damn good auntie AND bimbo receptionist.
it shall be taken as a compliment. hmfp.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
i like being productive.
after a slow (think sleepy 8am EL lecture) start, my day picked up when i went for lunch with meiling at pgp.
pgp's canteen is 1000000X cleaner than the deck. the food is pricer, but i take it i'm paying for the cleanliness and nothing beats that. anyways, we spent the whole lunch hour gossiping like two 'ah-sohs' HAHAHAHAS. gossiping and complaining. ah. my two greatest joys in life. ^^
then i went down to town to take photos of the xmas decorations for my article with benel for the art's club magazine. i was pretty reluctant to do so cause it felt pretty stupid being alone and having the lean out to the road at weird angles to catch nice angles of the decors. anyways, i wanted to pee, so i decided to pee at borders, choosing a nice clean toilet and the chance to browse through paperchase stuff. finding lots of pretty xmas stuff(at paperchase not the toilet asshole!!) i msged jia. and she msged back almost immediatly 'you're at borders?'
to which i gleefully replied ' yep, you?'
'at the entrance'
HAHAHAHAHAS. fancy meeting her by pure coincidence at borders. so i romped around town with her as i waited for the rain to pass and she waited for time to pass. XD
anyways, i got my pics and headed back to school for my theater studies practical group meeting. we got quite alot done and rehersed a small scene with leonard and ma. ma being me. =) it was really fun, and much more enjoyable than i thought it would be. and everything was productive. as in everything we did was catered to being productive.
and nothing beats having fun while being productive.
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
so anyways, the group decided to do dirty laundry, cause it's funny, and we seem to identify with it more...
not that anyone in our group still wets their bed.
at least not me.
anyhoooos, i'll be playing 'Ma' which obviously means i'm the mother of "Leonard Tay", the twenty8 yearold guy who still wets his bed. hahahahas. the mother and dad roles are pretty comical in the script. hehs.
Monday, November 6, 2006
i approved of all the friend requests and got bored. wanted to update my pics. but am not thaaaaaaaat bored. whee.
yawn. am currently waiting for genes lecture to start. i have no idea why i still turn up for lecture when all she does is tell bio-related stories and events(which i know about thanks to imformative gp lectures in jc hahhas). seriously. it's a waste of my time. meeh. i could be doing stuff...
like reading the 4 plays for my theater studies practical.
the girls beside me are flipping through cleo mag. it is highly odd for me to see people staring at my brother's gf face in cleo. it's not that they're making rude comments or anything. i can't hear what they're saying. it's just weird i guess. @_@
Friday, November 3, 2006
okay i lied. the only other thing to do besides this was study. whee.
Who is the last in the house with you? the mother
*Who did you last talk to on the phone? huijuan, asking where to take the bus home from her hall XD
*Who's house did you last go to? does huijuan's hall count?
*Who do you sit next to in class? class? i have waaaaaaaaay too many classes. and the person changes all the time @_@
*Who's your favorite teacher? eh, ms phoon and mr leong.
*Who's birthday is next? hmm. menghui's just passed. ^^
*Who do you wish you were with right now? eh. no one?
*Who's your favorite relative? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAS. oh wait. i do like my popo.
*Who do you hope will take this survey? menghui, may MAAAAAAY. AND ANYONE OF THE SILENT READERS STALKING MY BLOG.
*Where is your phone? my boyfriend is sitting next to me.
*Where are your parents? on the other side of my door.
*Where do you sleep? the room? duuh?
*Where do you shop the most? shop? HAHAHAHHAHAHAS. i have no life.
*Where did you get the shirt you're wearing now? i don't do shirts. tee-shirts yes. blouses yes.
*Where did you last take a car ride to? school.
*What was the last thing you ate? some japanese snacks from japan cause the dad came back from japan with only food. me and the mother were like "you only bought food??? ..." the dad was like "yes" ...
*What was the last thing you drank? milk from the fridge
*What do you like about school? the yowling cat
*What are you wearing on your feet? jack bedroom sleepers which jia got for me for some bday. hahas
*What instant messaging service do you use? windows live messenger
*What is your favorite color? non at the moment
*What is your screen name? eve-lyn
*What is your most used away message? REALLY BUSY. annoy at own risk.
*What is your favorite shoe brand? kiki. because i can get pretty shoes for 13 buckaroooos.
*What do you wear more; jeans or slacks? neither
*What is the last movie watched? death note
*What song are you currently listening to? scissors sisters - i don't feel like dancing
*Why does basically half the world have a friendster? dunnoe. mine's dead anyway.
*Why did you pick your friendster name? because the form asked for my name.
*Why do we have to go to school? because it delays working. and i'll do anything for that.
*Why did you take this particular survey? because the other option is mugging.
*Why are your best friends your best friends? because oddly enough they can tahan me.
*Why do the people on the news repeat the same stuff over and over? because this world keeps making the same mistakes in different contexts
*When is your birthday? 7/7/87
*When did you last go to the mall? today. i stepped into lot 1 for some insignificant reason. so insignificant i don't even remember it.
*When did you last buy a new pair of pants? i am not a guy.
*When did you last burn a candle? when i was a ghost in oweek. hehs.
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
i was sad and crushed and stuff.
but then i was like....i'm gonna fail this module. maybe by some trick of fate i may pass it. but if do it'll be a very sucky grade, effectively like fail. so fail.
it's fine. it's one module of the first sem. only the first sem.
the CAP score is cummulative, i can work harder for the rest of my modules to make up for it.
i enjoy EL lecture, i enjoy EL tutorial. so i'll just continue enjoying it and keep working hard for it. cliche but if i've put in my best effort for it, no regrets. seriously. =)
even if i'm gonna fail, i'm gonna enjoy it. ^^
Sunday, October 29, 2006
so i thought, give yourself a little treat, waste the weekend away,
plan mah study timetable and organise my stuff on monday,
REALLY enjoy my tuesday date with yijia,
and on wednesday, get down to business.
this weekend was really fun. celebrated may's bday with EVERYONE. hahas, although serene didn't get to meet xz and lee, it was awesome enough for lee and xz to see each other. XD had a great night being wasteful teenagers (it is afterall our last year as one) and bitching about random desprete guys. many happy and funny memories from this one night. awesome. =)
my feet hurt. i wore heels. i haven't worn heels out ever since sch started. i blame the love for my fake berks.whee. *dance* anyway it's five am and may's mum is asleep, so i can't watch tv. i have read the two issues of cleo and some trashy tabloid magazine...all twice. i have exhausted all entertainment resources. thank god for INTERNET. meeh.
i have two tests next week. yucks.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
ugh. i'm really tired. and i really wanna watch deathnote. seriously, i've become a mugger who accomplishes a quatre of what she planned.
...there goes the yowling cat again.
i need sleep. i stayed up half the night going through the past years EL test2, running to the forums to ask questions and replying some. OMG. seriously, the amount of effort i put into this module at the cost of other modules is so not worth it when i see my reuslts. if it were just lousy marks fine. but i'm failing the module....
*insert angry long rant/ramblings/whinning*
BUT. i shall stop whinning. the only PRODUCTIVE thing i can do now is work doubly hard for test2 and the final exam. i'm not gonna give up. no way no.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
i really should start on my gek term paper. but the mind refuses to work. i blame choosing to attend a panel discussion of the north korea nuclea bomb threat organised by the PSSOC. sure it was super informative and interesting, but it kicked my brain into overdrive. i need mindless entertainment.
ugh, the state of my mind reminds me of the period of time my brain felt during A levels. eww.
anyways, i'll probably start tmr or on sat. sat i'll be heading down to wheeeeeelock for a publications meeting. eek. but we're meeting at starbucks, so there's a chance i wont be in a daze. =X then maybe i'll go jalan jalan ard town looking at bags and shoes before running to some macs or coffeebean to do my essay. whee.
doodle doodle.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
damn that Apple. they came out with the uber sexy red iPod nano, just when i'm getting sick and tired of my creative mp3 player which is as lasting as my attention span. the sides are split and the earphones died a million ears ago, while my $10 one from popular is working more than fine. meeh. anyway, the red iPod nano is for a good cause, a small amt of the profits go to the AIDS GlobalFund. damnit, singapore import it now!!! it'll be excellent if nus ITcoop sells it, cause it's much cheaper. XD hahahas.
anyways, i recently discovered a whole collection of songs from the 90's which i had burned during secondary school. OMG the LOVE the LOVE. cheesy songs rock my socks. XD i have A*teens and BLUE and Sclub7 OMG what a mainstream pop geek i am!! hahahahas. eh but i've got plenty of other awesome songs. hahas. AHH i even have 5ive!!! wahahas.
ahem. ignore that rant. hehs. meeting meizhu for a lunch date on friday which is excellent since we haven't met up since.....eons ago. =( shall drag qiu yong and wan ching to NUS one day. XD wow. i really miss all maah secondary school friends. it's like, there'll never be another set of human beings where everyone knows (at least by name and face) everyone. i've always felt my year of secondary school people were kinda....in our own world? hahas. we never needed to interact much with senior or juniors to have our own
anyways, went to school today although it's mah free day (the HORROR the HORROR) to practise the TS scence with Cheryl, my partner in crime. i finally managed to memorise the chunk of dialogue, which is like a big relief cause you have no idea how much grief it gave me. let me try to type it out without peeking. hehs.
"I had a book of Bible stories when I was a kid. There was a picture I'd look at twenty times every day - 'Jacob wrestles the Angel'. I don't really remeber the story, or why the wrestling.. just the picture. Jacob is young and very strong. The Angel is... a beautiful man, with golden hair and wings, of course. I still dream about it. Many nights. I'm... it's me. In that struggle. Fierce and unfair. The Angel is not human, and it holds nothing back. So how can anyone human win, what kind of fight is that? It's not just. Losing means your soul thrown into the dusk, you heart torn out from God's. But you can't lose."
hmm. wait. i go check.
*rumaging ensues.*
AWESOME. not entirely word for word. just like one or two minute mistakes. hahahhas. am so damn in love with my memory. XD
Monday, October 16, 2006
slacked my weekend away. spent quality time catching up on sleep and watching auntie-drama serials on youtube. XD excellent weekend i must say hahahahas. but i think i totally deserved it, especially after the super stressful past two weeks. besides, i'm planning to study real hard now after the little self imposed 'break' WAHAHAHAHAHAS.
urgh. but i gotta memorize my TS dialogue. i have this huge chunk of dialogue that i have to
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Monday, October 9, 2006
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Life is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
Every whisper
Of every waking hour I'm
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
But that was just a dream
That was just a dream
i still miss you.
Friday, October 6, 2006
Anyways, our latest project for TS practical is to work in pairs to act out a scene between ‘A’ and ‘B’. To help us analyse and make our characters seem more real (realist play) we have to come up with as much background information and story about them. It was pretty fun to work on them with my partner, Cheryl, hahahhaas. We came up with a whole cock and bull story and started linking and coming up with so many side stories and different explanations for the behavior of our characters. Damn fun can? Hehs.
Ooooh, our TS lecturer is this guy called Dr KKSeet, whom I’ve never heard off before stepping into NUS but is apparently quite the icon in Singapore’s theater scene. O.o
Anyways, here’s his website managed by his unofficial fanclub ‘Devotees of the Diva”
Go check it out. Hahahas.
Oh. During yesterday’s tutorial conducted by him, one student was arguing about singlish being acceptable as a language. This just set KKSeet off like a firecracker!!!! He was so agitated and dramatic when he replied to the student that all of us could only blink and feel attacked by his never ending flow of perfectly enunciated words. Like mh, I don’t think I’ll ever talk to him personally or he’ll just end up correcting every single word I say making me feel very very very small. ._.
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Monday, October 2, 2006
are readings made to be confusing on purpose? what good is using big confusing words to illustrate a simple point? it doesn't make you seem intelligent, it makes you sound like you have no idea what you're writting about and is extremely frustrating for readers.
or maybe i'm just dumb with a too superficial vocabulary to comprehend fully what you arseholes are trying to write. WTF.
sometimes i have no idea what i'm studying. i'm seriously regretting taking theater studies as one of my modules. i still have no idea what i'm studying or what i'm supposed to know? it seems like all i need to do is burn martin elssin, mix the ashes in water and drink up, to memorize the whole damn book.
the readings of political science are killing me. the thought of having to digest and fully understand what they're trying to get across(mind you each article is so similliar you have to squint to get the difference, if there is any) and then sit for the exam which is mostly about writting essays....makes me cry.
and i'm feeling stupid cause i realise that i don't know how to write a decent essay. lets not get to the CITING part. as a bloody science student i was never taught how to cite stuff. lets just talk about the basic content. i propbably won't be able to come up with any concrete or decent content because i too bloody opinionated. and what appears to be similiar but different points to others just look the same to me. which is why my gp comprehension summaries used to get sucky content cause i never saw more than 6 points when there are like 15.
i'm scared and half stressed out. sigh.
what on earth are you doing with your life evelyn?
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
nobody call me out this week. please don't. i have two mid sem tests this week and i really want to do well for them. and i'm terrified of the theater studies one cause it's a totally new subject with countless new words. OMG. so the next few days will be spent at nus CL. urgh. so fidz, if you're reading this we'll probably hang only after friday.
i need to be a mugger.
anyways i've just realised tmr i've got to go watch fundametally happy with mh and doirs for TS...again. seriously, ts is fun because of the practical but the time i spent on it is twice that of every other module.
urgh so many things to get done and i DON'T have enough time.
this travelling thing. i dislike it.
i want to change my blogskin. okay okay, totally random, but i've been thinking about it for a long time. =X
eh, next week is midsembreak! awesome, only the plans are piling up and all i really wanna do is sleep at home or hang ard with jiajun mhfidz and do nothing. absolutly nothing. sheesh.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
so imagine my pissness when stacey handed me 5 tics and said only the 4 guys and me were going. WTF.
and then justin and dickson decided they couldn't make it. WTF.
and on the very day, arsehole of a zhehong decided to GO HOME AND SLEEP.WTF.
so only me and zhiwei turned up.
we went in and followed the usheror to the SECOND ROW. WTF.
realised it was a sold out show so the fact that 2 of us had 4 empty seats in the 2nd row around was glaringly obvious.
seriously, i hate irresponsibility.
urgh. but anyway, 'the next wave' was really good. it was like 2 and a half hours long. but it was really good. i can't really appreciate dance since...i can't dance for nuts. but everything looked nice. so i guess for a layman like me, it was pretty damn good. hahas.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
seriously, would you want singapore to have this sort of super strict reputation or gain notoriety when the imf thingy gets blasted by some activists?
i personally dont mind singapore being too strict. if anything, it ensures safety. i'm not a noble hero or some passionate person with a course or even a rebel without a cause. i am a typical singaporean girl going through stages of life and looking forward to a semi-ambiguously-bright future. and there are many more like me out there.
it has been drilled into us. "singapore's only resource is her people." overused and cliché doesn't mean it's not true. it's too true. why should we fault the government for putting our safety first? should we risk the lives of not only the foreign delegates coming to singapore but the lives of the ordinary singaporean for a kinder softer reputation internationally?
people say that it's a form of restricting freedom or expression and speech.
this is not america. singapore is not a free country. we don't have freedom of speech.
but is that really a bad thing? is singapore ready for freedom of speech? to blatantly use mr tong ee's example, freedom of speech means having a random person come up to you(a christian) and state clearly "there's no such thing as god. you're dumb to believe in it", you as the christian must then believe that what he is saying is true to him. freedom of speech is allowing a racist chinese to go up to a malay and say his race are made of dumb people.
can the singapore society handle such freedom? with our multi-religious and multi-racial society, i think not.
lack of freedom of speech, expression, harsh reputation, being made butt of jokes as having sticks in our asses.
i take these any day rather than risking the safety and the delicate balance our society has excelled in.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
the parapara sakura theme song started playing. it was some middle-aged man who stared at his phone while the damn music played for a good minute before picking it up.
immediatly visions of aron kwok in tight hot pink top and tight white jeans/ shiny leather pants, started assulting my mind.
what have i done to deserve this?
anyways, exciting news!!! TMNT are gonna have a moooooovie!! weee. TMNT as in teenage mutant nija tutrles. seriously, did anyone my age not watched it back when we were spawns of the devil (kids)? i loved it. i miss it!! i miss their rat shifu and the constant eating of pizza. WAHAHAHAHAHAS.
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
ahem. watched 'the devil wears prada' today with jia. i love it. i love it's cheesy lines. i love how valentino made a cameo. i love the many starbucks coffee although i am a coffeebean girl. i love the many many many pretty shoes. i love steroetypically gay designer and the pathetic 1st assistent. i love the not-so-evil miranda and the lovely andy. HAHAHAHAHAS. i want to watch it again. now.
i was very nice to yijia today. i shall be very nice to elaine tmr.
Monday, September 4, 2006
seriously, my entire are getting all shallow...not that i want to go all zen and deep. but it's getting to the point of being a 'i-went-out-to-when-with-who-and-did-what-today' kind of blog. feeling the urge to blog i was thinking about what i would type from my entry and all that could appear in my shamelessly shallow head was to re-tell all that i did on sunday since i went out with amy, may and xz. i no longer rant or even comment about whats going on around me.
is that good? does that mean my life is stable and comfortable? does it mean i'm happy? who knows? ironically not me.
uni life is....just like what everyone said it would be. attending lectures, attending tutorials, spending hours in the CL and fighting the lunch crowd. it's almost like jc. only the lectures are much more entertaining (whether it be the lecture being interesting or the people watching), tutorials are much more stimulating (esp ps. you just argue and argue and argue), the CL is waaaaaaay more conducive to study in than any library and the lunch crowd is....just as annoying.
and now i must kill another 40mins before my 1st tutorial of the day starts at nine.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
anyways, met up with jia to go back css. saw a few teachers but only gave ms phoon and mr leong stuff. XD hahahas. took a few random pictures here and there. i'm gonna miss this campus =( css always had this homey feel.
on the topic of teacher's day, my tutee gave me a present today. XD it's freaking ugly but it made me all gooey and mushy for a good half hour and put me in a damn good mood. XD hahahahas. i am such a sucker.
anyways, me and jis came to the conclusion that chinese teachers are the best. they're really nice to you and are always interested in what's going in your life no matter how mundane. =)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
i'm way to early for mr tutee so here i am at the ground floor of the hdb block leeching onto some guy's wireless network and using the dear internet. muahahahahas. i love my acer notebook. ^^
anyway had my gek1527 lecture: genes an society. OMG the first lecture was freaking boring for people with bio background can? it was all the basic stuff so basically i was snoozing the whole 2 hours. if ec1101e and gek1527 continues to be this way, i'll have a breeze this sem. XD but karma karma, so i'm helping mah friends who have no bio background cause to them the lecturor is talking shitarse nonsense.
this morning i was woken up at 6am. BLOODY 6AM when i only fell asleep at ard 2am. my dear p6 tutee happily called to tell me she had lost her chinese assesment book 2 FRIKKING DAYS BEFORE HER PRELIMS. seriously. i don't know how one can loose such a big thing. meeh.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
it has a webcam so i can be utterly narcisstic and take a gazillion photos and random weird vedios of myself. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAS. i can also play with the drawing pad on msn. damn fun can!!!!!!!!! it's also so itsy bitsy i can bring it anywhere. ANYWHERE!!! and it has plenty of assorted cool functions to keep the it-unsavvy me happy. XD
i am however suffering from a bad case of the fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. =(
and i have tons of readings to do. >.< sian.
but uni life is catching on me. i love the long walks i have to take to get from one place to another. i like fooling myself into feeling intellectual when my hands are filled with readings. i love sitting in the lecture theaters and be amused with by the lecturor or the lack of attention everyone is giving him. i kinda semi-love my 6 hour breaks on friday where i can hangout all day at the CL and try to catch up on my readings. i actually can't wait for tutorials to start to experience that adrenaline rush of completing projects and assignments.
i however miss my non-uni friends. uni life and social circle are both so time consuming and energy sapping (not to mention it makes my wallet cry), that i don't seem to have anytime to catch up with my other friends. =( so people reading this!!! gimme a call or sms or anything yah? i miss you guys. =(
it has a cam. so i can webcam people now. WAHAHAHAHS.
right. uni is sucking me dry. i just bought a bloody elang text book for $27.90 meiling was saying we sure to get A liao. XD hahs. anyway, with coursepacks and assorted payments.....i'm BROKE.
anyways. the readings for uni is killing me. all my spare time will be spent with my nose in readings. omg.
Monday, August 14, 2006
we love to cling to the past. the familiar. the old. we regret and feel nostalgic. but life goes on. we can't stand in one spot and cry. we can however cry as we move along. as the crying gets softer the memories get fonder.
my dear friend, do not regret. do not ask why. do not ponder on what ifs. because they are just bottomless pits. instead focus on what's ahead. no one said to forget. but we learn from our mistakes. we become better humans. at high costs. i've (hopefully) become a better friend. i'm sure you'll become a better daughter and sister.
don't forget. i'm always here.
Saturday, August 5, 2006
2 days into it and my voice is non-existent. >.< but it's freaking ass fun. maybe because as a councilor...you escape the social restrains. in fact people expect you to go crazy and mad. which is pretty damn good for me. since i get to go totally crazy ( and in the process everyone thinks i'm a senior). but it's been really fun so far. my og is pretty quiet, but we councilors are NOT. and doris can get really really reeeeally high. hahs.
i seem to be enjoying myself more compared to arts camp. hmmm, but arts camp had it's pros with the staying over and almost 24/7 intereaction. but T-house has become a cheerical house, so we're not losing to the others. XD
anyways, being high and crazy has reduced my social paranoias by a large chunk. i've been making friends all around. =) and appearantly i've made somewhat a small name for myself as a rah-rah person. hahs. cool.
but i'm also freaking ass tired. whew. 5 more days to go!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
you are great. you do work and listen. it would be nice if you actually remember what i teach you. it would be nicer if you remember after i've taught you the same thing every lesson continuosly. it would also be nice if you stopped handing up blank questions. it would also be in your dog's health interest if it would stop pawwing me with its suspiciously long nails. and yes. i can tell when you rush through your homework.
sincerely, your scratched tutor.
dear tutee number two,
it is weird that you love doing my work...or any work for that matter. but nevermind, i don't mind the fact you give yourself homework. i do mind that you handwritting is as legible as a baby's scrawling. i do mind that you refuse to speak up and instead nod your head so slightly i have to wonder if you're nodding or have a head twitch that works up everytime i ask you; "understand?".
sincerely, your confused tutor.
dear tutee number three,
i understand our age difference is about 5years. thus we can be all pally-pally and friendly and chitchatty. however I AM YOUR FREAKING TUTOR. the very least i deserve that respect. so it would be less insulting if you did your freaking work when i say so. the fact that you are damn lazy to write is probably a legitimate excuse, but it's also the DUMBEST EXCUSE ever. it's freaking english. you have to write damnit.
sincerely, your very pissed tutor.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
i don't.
which is why i'm doubting myself. my aims my goals my entire existence. i seriously don't know what i want out of life. i'm not religious so i don't really know what to expect for afterlife. if it's all science, then my body stops functioning and nothing really happens. if we get to go to some kind of heaven...i'm really can't be bothered to get in. throw me into the pits of enternal fire. you're dead. fire can't hurt much now can it?
arrgh. i'm seriously irritated right now. which would explain my semi-anti-socialness.
i don't want to start school. i don't like change. i'll probably get all depressed and pissed.
i have no idea what i want.
isn't that sad?
Saturday, July 22, 2006
lee: very fast one, where's ny ah?
me: eh. serengoon.
lee: serengoon where?
lee:no specifics ah?
me: hahahahahas....eh.....av 4?
lee: okay thanks! hah.
it turned out to be at av3 XP. but she got there fine so....i never knew my school's add, even css. jurong east st...something. hahahahs!
anyways just yesterday i was at ny with jia to collect the damn cert which i DID NOT EVEN RECIEVE A DAMN LETTER ASKING TO TO COLLECT IT!!! i heard of it through word of mouth alright?!?!?!?! urgh. anyway it was weird, the whole school was dead. even the staff room was closed. luckily the general office was open. no way would i have slogged down again to ny just for the cert.
anyways i half miss school and half don't ever want my present life to stop. i have to go uni shopping tho. jia? jun? mh? anyone? whee.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
but that's what sensitive (borderline paranoid) me can see through best. i know when people are trying to shake me off. i know it. i know it very well because it always happens to me.
i know i'm not very interesting. i know i'm not always nice. i know very well i have plenty of 'insert foot in mouth' moments. i know i'm weird, not by choice.
i have this urge to crawl back into my shell. but i'm a sucker for pain. i'll just put myself out there once again to get shot right through my body.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
this week was rough. driving everyweek. but i still fail the bloody test because of the dumbassed vertical parking which i nail perfectly almost everytime and have never even touched the bloody pole, i actually mounted the damn kerb. fuck lah. during the warm up it was already different. i knew it. the car was the same model, i use the same benchmarks, but fuck. my dad was like maybe you were nervous. right i freaked out before the test but i was pretty calm during it. proof? i nailed everything else and recieved a grand total of 2 demerit points after the test. but the dumbass mount kerb was an immediate failure. ahh, fuck. it's like, i can't blame the testor, he didn't make me feel stressed. i can't blame the car (theoratically). i'm not sure i can even blame myself. urgh. which is why i'm pissed. really pissed.
to cheer me up, jia and jun watched pirates with me. (don't worry fidz, i can rewatch it) it was pretty funny, since being fans, me and jia knew this was a middle film. as in, no real conclusion. but jun went in expecting a full movie and was of course bummed out about the ending. XD hahahas. poor kid. well, at least we were seating in a theater full of blonde head people. hahahas. i love great world city on weekday mornings and afternoons. =)
after that, i went home for a futile attempt to nap since i had the tabola(nus og) gathering at fookchee dickson's house. it was all the way at pasir ris can. -_- me and mh arrived like damn late, thanks to her job which i hate. anyways, it was pretty silly and fun. spent the whole night playing dumb games, gossiping in code, played more dumb games and did plenty of random conversations. XD hahahas. as (if i'm not wrong) brandon put it, we found out more about certain people in this one night than we did in the 5 days camp. hahs.
i got accepted to be a freshie councillor for oweek. almost everyone in my og who signed up got in. hahs. this will be awesome. XD
and now i must continue my futile attempt at napping before rushing off to tuition. urgh. i beg myself to sleep.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
thanks kids, you guys make me feel all sweet and gooey and mushy inside. XD
and now for my prep talk:
today was my last driving lesson. tmr i will pass the test. i will holding the damn lisence tmr. tmr is the last time i lay my feet in there. I WILL PASS THE DAMN TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 7, 2006
hung out with jia and jun and great world city. thanks for the pretty presents. =) we pigged out (jia with plenty of bread), bitched, people watched, pigged out somemore, talk silly giggly stuff. took stupid photos, took dumbass birthday videos XD bitched and had an all round good time. ^^ thanks for spending a great day with me kids! ^^
and once again thanks to all the wonderful people who gave me their birthday blessings and wishes. love all of you guys to itsy bitsy pieces. =)
Thursday, July 6, 2006
alright here goes....
What were you doing in secondary school?
HAHAHAHAHAHAS. where to start? hmmm, guess mainly i could say that in sec school i slacked. a lot. firstly in lower sec i was in 1/6 2/6....in which hmk was not a piority. let's put it this way, in sec 2, for the whole year, i handed in a grand total of 3 pieces of maths hmk. whee. then i was streamed into 3/4 4/4 after that, and all css people knows what kind of class we are. the only reason why i did do any studying at all was cause i did bio and thus had good old mr lai to get me to love bio and not suffer like the physic people. as for cca....well, i made a lot of friends there. have manged to keep in close contact with only jia..and serene, but serene is from 2/6 so she doesn't count. a lot of things happened in guides....but i can say there were plenty of high moments to outweigh the low ones. i miss sec school, but i'm also damn well pleased it's over. sec school was the best time of my live and also the saddest. but i know i've made friends for life there. =) love you guys.
Five of you favourite singers/bands?
firstly and never the last is of course SUM41. i love their music and lyrics. it makes me all angsty and fourteen years old all over again. =) next would probably be savage garden, their songs are cheesy and sappy, the singer looks male, has a girl's voice and they had only 2 cds. but something about them makes me feel very happy. go figure. then there's robbie williams, voice like an angel and a badboy through and through. his songs are sometimes so catchy and sometimes so beautiful, what's not to like? i like michelle branch cause she just has that special...something that appeals to me. and last but not least....... i can't choose, only because there are so many songs i love (esp from the 90's) but not many singers/bands who interest me enough. hehs.
Five things you like doing?
the obvious being going on aimless romps either by myself or friends. second being stuck home on a rainy day with the aircon on full blast, under my blanket reading a book. third watching shows which are so damn witty they make me feel intelligent. fourth is new, kudos to mh for introducing it to me, it's taking walks. just anywhere. i love to do it in my estate. and fifth is to sing out loud when there's no one at home. XD
Five things you would never buy, wear or get?
leopard printed anything.
mashi maro (damnit!!!! that rabbit is annoying)
CHILDREN (they can be bought. i just don't even want to be given one)
a $100 burger ( i don't care if there's effing truffles in there. i'll pay 2 bucks and go macs.)
Five favourites?
my phone (but i'm not saying no to the maroon v3i XD)
starwars anything.
my sims2 pc game (which maria has YET to return me!!!)
my laptop and it's power of wireless internet
Five people to do this?
her highness, maria, mh, may and shijia. hahs!!
i used to abhore techno...but now i even kinda like semi-techno songs like this...and even fatboysilm. but the extremes like....those without lyrics(i forgot the correct term) are pushing it. i mean even 'would you' and 'superstar dj' have about 3 lines worth of lyrics. anyways, I LOVE CHEWY IN THIS VID!!!!
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
neeways, mh has uploaded her photos but they're on shutterfly so that'll take me eons to put them up here. thus, i shall procrastinate and wait till i get mh online and force her to zip em up and mail em to me. hehs.
sooo..the MILK run wasn't bad. seeing as how we ran for a grand total of maybe half a km and walked the rest? hahas, but the 4k was really fast. likely cause we were chatting the whole way. but we are such anti-socials. we reached zouk like 15mins before the run. only ran during the MILK run to get out of heat or crowds. and immediatly left after our run and escaped to great world city to eat ice kachang. XD

oh we are standing infront of the famous 'girl guides' milo truck....sure brings back much of those css crosscountry days. hehs.
anyways, yesterday i did smth that once again falls under the 'MUST NEVER EVER LET PARENTS KNOW' file. i rode a motorbike yesterday, as a pillion of course. but still my parents would skin me and even my daredevil brother will have my head. motorcycles are like taboo in my house.
so who's bike was it? zhehong's. one of me and mh's og mate from the art's camp. see, we were supposed to meet mh at queensway for a little shopping and dinner. but dear mh had to ot....for like 2hrs. so we decided to head down to lot1 to meet up instead cause by the time she got to queensway, we probably had to head home. so zhehong drove he bike with me in tow all the way to cck. being the whimp i am, i was damn terrified can. and i was wearing a damn skirt. but it wasn't that bad. (he did go like really slowly for me. hahs.)
infact, after having the experience of driving, i find bikes alot more safer, provided you don't speed and be reckless. i find it much easier to control and manuver than a car. so mh, when your parents allow you to learn, you've got my support. =)
urgh. thinking about cars reminds me of my driving test next week. i sooooo wanna pass!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 2, 2006
i have like, the world's sexiest voice right now.
four days of solid screaming with about 3hrs of sleep each night does that to you. but damn, art's camp was a hell lot of fun. mah og was tabola, under the green house tigara. mah og was cool. hahs, we were united in the slacker ways. (i always seem to get this kind of og. XD). sure, we cheered pretty loudly when we needed too, but we were always slacking off and walking to our stations instead of running. hehs. neeways, more on art's camp when mh gets her energy back and uploads the pics. watch this space.
the art's camp really drained me, i've not only lost my voice, but the night i came back my temp was up to 39degrees and i didn't even realised it till my mum stuffed the thermometer into my mouth. now although the fever's gone, i seem to have got the flu which has led to me coughing like i've got TB. hehs. i need to build up my immunity or smth.
anyways, being a sucker for punishment, i'm going for the MILK run tmr with her highness and maria. i think i'll have to crawl. wish me luck kids.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I am going running tommorrow. whee.
with princess and maria cause we've signed up for the MILK run (oh! the irony.) and planning to sign up for the SHAPE run which i retardedly thought it'll be in planet fitness and was screwing with my mind trying to fit hundreds of women in the damn place. yeah, so dear princess and maria, let's go sign up for the SHAPE run. hahs. no worries elaine. ^^
oh, my brother is damn funny. see, we bought a new fridge while he was stuck in the army. today he came home and suddenly shouted "COME COME!!!! SOMETHING HAPPENED!!!" so me and the bro's girl came rushing out.....to see the new fridge. -_-" it was pretty entertaining. hahs.
today was amusing. cause after walking around queensway, maria jun had to go to ntu to hand up her application form thingy. was to lazy to accompany (XP) her so took the map and instructed her how to get there before trotting off home. so there was i being cheesy and aunty by watching "The Return of Condor Heros (95)" on chan 55 when i recieved a msg from maria which went, "I'm lost...". i immediatly burst out laughing for a good minute before calling her to burst out laughing again.
right i shall go pack my stuff now cause we're meeting at a disgusting time of 8.30am curtesy of her majesty, and hell will freeze over the day i'm mentally awake at 8.30am. whee.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
i think my dad is suspicious that i cut myself. cause i have a cut on my arm and being that i honestly don't know how it got there, i just gave some lameass excuse...
dad: !!! what happened to your arm?!?
me: eh? i don't know...it just kind of appeared. like i woke up and i was like 'ouch'... hehs.
dad: *suspicious look in eyes* hmm.
yeah, so being the weird sheep of the family, my mental stability is already being questioned. so if my mum and dad come together and add it up....
would they make me see a shrink? *snort* that'll be amusing.
Monday, June 19, 2006
i feel like i've been left high and dry. or snubbed off into a corner.
some stupid china lady thought i was a waitress at ivins ivins today when my family + my dasao-tobe went for lunch. i glared at her and stomped away. i'm not wearing the ridiculous bathik green shirt yaknow. stupid china lady.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
well, after that i was still waiting for mh, so i trotted of to the library.
sans the annoying circumstance with my library card, i love the library. there's plenty of interesting books to browse around. like kitty books XD. and starwars art books, and cooking books etc. i can just sit there and flip through piles of books, listening to my mp3 and and enjoy a certain amount of peace...till some kids comes along, running and screaming at the top of their voices. but that's the best part.
cause the prissy librarians start 'SHHHH'-ing them really fiercely and the kids look terrified and the stupid parents (who usually spoil their kids silly) can't defend their kids and can only sheepishly drag their kids away.
i feel happy. =)
anyways, me and mh went off to cityhall to hand in the registration form and fee of the nusart's camp. =) i'm pretty excited about it. anyone else going, contact me. =)we walked around raffles place, the basement has been renovated and extended. oh my, we spent a couple of hours just walking around. there's so many quaint shops and so many things to see. there's also this japanese stationary shop which got our hands itching to buy everything we saw!! we were oooh-ing and ahhh-ing over everything!! then we went to skin-food (DIE MISHA!!!) to walk around, with no intension of buying anything. but good service and mutal coaxing led us to indugle in some retail theraphy. abeit too much infact. =X i'm officially broke now. urgh.
Friday, June 16, 2006
problem is i have no content, no meat, my muse has died so i can't even pretend to be a pathological liar. even more strangely, nothing is pissing me off, nothing is getting me fired up enough to rant and rant for two pages. absolutely nothing. my mind is drawing blanks here.
this is weird. i've nothing to mull about.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
hit siloso beach with her highness and jun today. very very very fun. we went fully prepared, as in beach towel, things to change in...the works. i can't tell you how good it feels to shower after sun-tanning. in the sand. we have a love hate relationship with the sand. XD. today was hot hot hot! sadly, there were hardly any hot guys for us to blatantly ogle at.
there were however many tweens wearing bikinis, not much to hold up tho, with full faces of make up, seriously? skin as smooth as that and you pile on the foundation? for? meh. it's not like you're having an outbreak of pimples(which i strongly advise agasint thick makeup anyway) or full faces of wrinkles. seriously, i don't get it. true enough i'll rather buy a cd than spend my money on buying makeup, but SERIOUSLY. you're like 14 tops. do you really really need to pile on the makeup? and no, you're not developed enough to pull off a bikini. wait a year or two. puberty will kick in. i promise. honestly.
of course, the pressence of tweens didn't dampen our spirits, if anything, it gave us plenty to gossip and bitch about. there's just something about lying down on a beach towel, talking to each other from under floppy hats. it makes one very happy. =)
anyways, being the weaklings we are, we ran off when it reached 1plus. (seriously, a lovehate relationship with the sand AND sun) trotted off the chinatown. why? first off, the place isn't crawling with tweens in their micromini skirts and pink tees. second, the stuff there are much cheaper. like seriously, cheaper. third you get great deals and there's plenty to browse around. fourth, they have soyabean ice cream which kicks the socks out of any other kind of ice cream. =). ergo, chinatown is our new hangout spot. which is sweet. =)
so it wasn't a productive day. it was a usual bitch and bum session with the girls. but it was a hell lot of fun. =)
Monday, June 12, 2006
spent the afternoon baking cookies at fidz's house. we were like damn bushed when we finished!! was ready to plop onto her bed and fall asleep. only we had to meet mh for dinner. >.< tired!!!!!
jia is back from the land of the rising.....hello kitty. will be hitting the beach with jun in tow, well prepared and ready to bum around. i can't wait. =)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
went to fidz's house on tues. she cooked me lunch!! it was pretty good, some kind of pesto pasta....which although tasted pretty good, has no asthetic value at all. it was a dirty green in colour. blame the pesto souce. but still, tasty. after i came back from tuitioning we did baking. we baked cookies!!! they turned out pretty good!!!! strong in flavour with plenty of chocolate chips. hehs.
yesterday i met jun and went down to ms tay's house. yep, css ex-principal. anyways, due to an annoying bus driver and the inability to comunicate with her maid....we kinda wasted alot of time waiting infront of clementi's ntuc. neeways, we ended up savagely devouring kfc to pacify ourselves as we waited for tp. meeh.
had plans to go to town...but by the time tp came and ate finished, it was like 3? goodness, instead of tp teaching jun to be on time, she has actually influenced HIM to be late. the power of xiaojun's sloth. XP so we ended up walking around jp and impromptu-ly decided to watch a movie.
CARS was pretty awesome. it's a tried and tested formula, with cliche potlines and cheesy music. BUT it still is so damn nice to watch!!!! it's hilarious and makes you feel happy just watching it!!! the attention to detail was pretty damn awesome too. like the flies in the movie were itsy bitsy VW beetle cars with wings. XD oh, and i am so in love with cute little guido. hehs
Monday, June 5, 2006
one fine day, three girls (jun, fidz and me) went down to bugis. we had great fun shopping and wandering around arab street, bugis street and og. feeling tired we decided to head back to bugis junction, where jun decided to visit 'tha face shop'. so we happily trotted off and giggled and cooed like fourteen year olds. seeing as misha was next door, we decided to head to misha..
..where we met a fucking loser.
this fucking loser works there. is male. is damn short(think shorter than fidz). has little hair. wears an old washed out misha tee.
see, we were happily chatting and looking at the makeup and fucking loser was on the phone. when we reached the eyeliner section, fucking loser had crept up across us. fucking loser seemed to assume we didn't notice him. fucking loser, being fucking loser was wrong, we did, being normal we just didn't find anything weird.so, being girls we were trying out the testers and looking at stuff.
fucking loser was there when i picked up the liquid eyeliner and stared at it.
fucking loser was there when i OPENED it with a GENTLE FLICK and looked at it.
fucking loser was there when i closed it and put it back.
fucking loser was there when i asked jun if liquid was easier to use rather than pencil.
fucking loser was there when jun said not sure.
fucking loser was there when i OPENED it AGAIN with a GENTLE FLICK and passed it to jun.
fucking loser was there when jun meticulously drew a small line on her hand.
fucking loser was there when me and jun discussed the liquid eyeliner.
fucking loser was there when jun closed it and was about to put it back.
fucking loser chose this particular time to pounce on us and say we had to pay for it since we had opened one which was not a tester.
FUCK OFF. you had so much time to tell us it wasn't a tester. from the moment i picked it up and flicked it open. YOU WERE THERE. watching us.
do you think i'm five? do you think i did not notice you sticking the misha sticker on more tightly when you took it from me and twisting it more tightly so i couldn't open it after that?!?! are you that retarted to argue that i can't open it now means i could just now. are you that pathetic to think three girls would not fight back from being accused of something that was obviously not our fault?
do you think we're dumb? do think that i don't realise that SOMEONE has opened the damn eyeliner before? do you think that i don't know the reason you were standing there waiting for us to use it was to push the blame to us?
do i look like i'm missing a brain? do you think i wouldn't have noticed your dirty sneaky plan? for god's sake, i'm not sure i can even call it sneaky. IT WAS A BLATANT LIE. you're trying to LIE to my face. seriously. obviously someone had opened it before. there was only a tiny misha sticker which is obviously 're-pasted' on. it was not sealed like the others. do you think i'm clueless about what's going on around me? honestly, you take people for such fools?
this is the kind of service you're providing?? using dirty tricks to get a pityful $8.90 liquid eyeliner sold?!?! SERIOUSLY?!
ahem. facing strong objection from the 3 of us and beening so obviously wrong. he backed off saying 'forget it'. and we stormed out complaining about bad service.
jun: *cringe* i honestly think he got his job by sleeping with the boss.
fidz: yeah.
me: yeah right. as if that freak can satisfy anyone.
jun fidz: hahahs.
me: honestly! rantrantrantrantrantrant....
do not take me as a fool.
Saturday, June 3, 2006
i'm tired of standing infront of magazine racks have mindless internal debates like "is it worth paying 7bucks for herworld?"(no) or "should i buy FIRST because of the super tempting pirates poster(think johnny depp) even tho the frontpage is a super tacky superman?". i decided my brain needed some sort of intellectual stimuli. something with more words than pages.
so i trotted down to the library and started browsing around, finally deciding on 2 books i would never have touched with a 3m pole; 'The Mahathir Legacy' and 'The tiny red dot'. The first being (i believe) somewhat pro-Mahathir and the other pro-MFA. satisfied with them, i went to check them out.
only i couldn't. appearantly my number wasn't regconise. this i believe is because of my refusal to pay a fine for a book i did not borrow. i had lost my wallet before, had reported it's theft to the police and even went to the library and told them. be noooooooo, appearantly the damn theif could still borrow books. AND did not return it. so i'm left with a hefty fine i refuse to pay.
BAAH. i can always buy those books anyway. hmmfp.
Thursday, June 1, 2006
i was on the bus home, when some boys boarded. i'm assuming they're at least around my age since one was wearing "varsity life!!!" shirt and they looked pretty damn old. at first they were just obnoxious guys, being noisy. noisy i can handle. but then they started playing some kind of hide-n-seek-tag game. on the damn bus. later, at the interchange, together they made those exaggerated actions letting me get of the bus first laughing and whistling.
i'm sorry, i'm attracted to creatures who act like that?!?!
i should just give up on boys. turn asexual.
take a listen to this:
I remember when,
I remember I remember when i lost my mind,
There was something so pleasant about that phaze
Even your emotions had an echo
In so much space
(Mmmmm Mmmmmm)
And when your out there,
Without care,
I was out of touch,
but it wasn't because I didn't know enough,
I just knew too much,
[Chorus 1]
Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy
And I hope that you are having the time of your life
well think twice,
that's my only advice,
C'mon now, who do you,
who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
bless your soul,
you really think your in control,
[Chorus 2]
I think your craaaaazy,
I think your craaaaazy,
I think your craaaaazy,
Just like me.....
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
and all i remember
is thinking,
I wanna be like them,
(Mmmm hmmmmm)
'N ever since i was little,
ever since i was little, it looked like fun,
and it's no coincidence I've come,
and i can die when I'm done,
[Chorus 3]
But baby I'm craaaaaazy,
maybe your craaaaazy,
baby we're craaaaazy,
(hmmmm arrrrr......... ooh-hoooo)
gnarles barkley, crazy
heaven is bumming around, it's having a warm sea breeze blow by as you lay under the shade of tall palm trees.
heaven is doing whatever you want, whenever you want, like impromptu eating of baking chocolate chips and warm cereal.
heaven is baking under the sun, squeezed on a small bright yellow and orange mat and having to listen to jun's ridiculous humming.
heaven is chatting about anything which springs into mind...just because, it's about people watching and exchanging secret smiles.
heaven is helping a friend get fired up, letting her know she can do anything she wants, that nus/ntu isn't the only route.
heaven is being tired and sunburnt and having spent a whole day doing nothing with pals.
what more can a girl ask?
and now i trot off to meet jun for a romp around chinatown. =)
Monday, May 29, 2006
right, i'm pretty bushed. still suffering aches from having to stand up all the time yesterday.
cause it was the annual WGC swim meet 2006 yesterday. as per normal i went back to help...actually the only reason i'm willing to wake up at 530 in the morning to go there is to meet livelong friends i see only once a year. (AND STUPID STEPHANIE!!! YOU STOOD ME UP!!!!!!!!!) but yesterday was the worst, it was raining so much that the meet had to be delayed time and time again. AND i was the timekeeper of lane 4. which being the middle lane, is the busiest lane of all!!!! and all the officials and pretentious committee members(who probably don't know how to swim for nuts and still wanna actually TEACH me, who started swimming at 5, how to use a damn stopwatch!!) were hovering around me, so i didn't even have a place to sit in between events. urgh.
i blame this on uncle thomas who paired me up with his brother for THE BUSIEST LANE. the cool thing was, lane 4 is where they put the hot favourites. so i could easily tracked the timings of our best swimmers. the girls are not bad, but our top swimmer could do better. the guys are pretty good (although their egos leave much to be desired).
but the best thing of yesterday of course, was meeting up with old friends and reminiscing about how the warren swim team used to be. hahs. how we used to train and how during competitions we were beaten flat out, cause our junoir teams were half the height of others. XD it was great fun. if all goes well, i may go back to help out with this year's swim camp. but we'll see, by then school would have started. (yay! yay!)
tmr, if jia doesn't decide to bail us out on the last minute, me, jun and her will be trotting down to sentosa to tan, slack and stare at cute guys. XD
Saturday, May 27, 2006
today was very fun. me and mh went to jec to take the instant photos for our matric card. she was helping me put on make up to cover up my ugly zits. so it was kinda suspicious with two of us squeezing into that tiny box. i hope nobody thought we were making out...or more. x) hehs. but the pics were pretty. and glossy. and so much fun to take! so much so, that after we took our photos, we took one together making silly faces. yes, two of us squeezed into the booth and took a black and white photo!!! hahahas!! it was great!!! better than neoprints!!! and it looked really nice! =)