do you have a dream? like say earn your first million before reaching thrity? or having ten kids and fourteens grandkids before sixty? or finding a cure to some weird diesease? dreams and aspirations like that.
i don't.
which is why i'm doubting myself. my aims my goals my entire existence. i seriously don't know what i want out of life. i'm not religious so i don't really know what to expect for afterlife. if it's all science, then my body stops functioning and nothing really happens. if we get to go to some kind of heaven...i'm really can't be bothered to get in. throw me into the pits of enternal fire. you're dead. fire can't hurt much now can it?
arrgh. i'm seriously irritated right now. which would explain my semi-anti-socialness.
i don't want to start school. i don't like change. i'll probably get all depressed and pissed.
i have no idea what i want.
isn't that sad?