neeways, mh has uploaded her photos but they're on shutterfly so that'll take me eons to put them up here. thus, i shall procrastinate and wait till i get mh online and force her to zip em up and mail em to me. hehs.
sooo..the MILK run wasn't bad. seeing as how we ran for a grand total of maybe half a km and walked the rest? hahas, but the 4k was really fast. likely cause we were chatting the whole way. but we are such anti-socials. we reached zouk like 15mins before the run. only ran during the MILK run to get out of heat or crowds. and immediatly left after our run and escaped to great world city to eat ice kachang. XD

oh we are standing infront of the famous 'girl guides' milo truck....sure brings back much of those css crosscountry days. hehs.
anyways, yesterday i did smth that once again falls under the 'MUST NEVER EVER LET PARENTS KNOW' file. i rode a motorbike yesterday, as a pillion of course. but still my parents would skin me and even my daredevil brother will have my head. motorcycles are like taboo in my house.
so who's bike was it? zhehong's. one of me and mh's og mate from the art's camp. see, we were supposed to meet mh at queensway for a little shopping and dinner. but dear mh had to ot....for like 2hrs. so we decided to head down to lot1 to meet up instead cause by the time she got to queensway, we probably had to head home. so zhehong drove he bike with me in tow all the way to cck. being the whimp i am, i was damn terrified can. and i was wearing a damn skirt. but it wasn't that bad. (he did go like really slowly for me. hahs.)
infact, after having the experience of driving, i find bikes alot more safer, provided you don't speed and be reckless. i find it much easier to control and manuver than a car. so mh, when your parents allow you to learn, you've got my support. =)
urgh. thinking about cars reminds me of my driving test next week. i sooooo wanna pass!!!!!!!!!