have i mentioned how much i love my new laptop?
it has a webcam so i can be utterly narcisstic and take a gazillion photos and random weird vedios of myself. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAS. i can also play with the drawing pad on msn. damn fun can!!!!!!!!! it's also so itsy bitsy i can bring it anywhere. ANYWHERE!!! and it has plenty of assorted cool functions to keep the it-unsavvy me happy. XD
i am however suffering from a bad case of the fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. =(
and i have tons of readings to do. >.< sian.
but uni life is catching on me. i love the long walks i have to take to get from one place to another. i like fooling myself into feeling intellectual when my hands are filled with readings. i love sitting in the lecture theaters and be amused with by the lecturor or the lack of attention everyone is giving him. i kinda semi-love my 6 hour breaks on friday where i can hangout all day at the CL and try to catch up on my readings. i actually can't wait for tutorials to start to experience that adrenaline rush of completing projects and assignments.
i however miss my non-uni friends. uni life and social circle are both so time consuming and energy sapping (not to mention it makes my wallet cry), that i don't seem to have anytime to catch up with my other friends. =( so people reading this!!! gimme a call or sms or anything yah? i miss you guys. =(