Of all God’s creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat. – Mark Twain
Thursday, December 27, 2007
There is no point in mopping. I'm just wasting my holidays here. I shall just take this as a motivation to work hard and fully enjoy what I'm studying next sem.
I don't think I can ever hit a cap of 4.0 now, so it kind of brings down the expectation and stress level. I will do what I enjoy and actually enjoy it. :D
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Am in Malaysia right now. The hotel I'm staying has free internet service! Now I totally regret not bringing my laptop. I miss my laptop very much right now. Bought a few stuff, but nothing Christmasy. KL is too expensive and Melaka...is mainly for pirate CDs. Hahs. Oh mh, if you're reading this, I bought Ayumi's black and white best DVD!!! Hahahahas! We will have a field day watching it!
Kind of wish this holiday will never end becuase going back may mean Christmas, but it also means getting results back. I'm still suffering from conflicting feelings. =/
Saturday, December 22, 2007

I was looking through my Japan pics and cringing really hard because my shaky hands means many blurry pictures...even my DisneyLand ones. FAIL EVELYN. But anyway I chanced upon this picture of Gacha machines. It's like my fave picture out of the 2532435pics I took in Japan. The weird thing is, I took this in a fleeting momment. We were at Osaka Castle eating over-priced Takoballs and basically just enjoying the weather and the sight of the Castle. There was a row of shops and right outside was this row of Gacha machines. Without thinking I was just snapping around and then we had to leave. The cool thing is, although I didn't give much thought into snapping this pic, it came out really well, not shaky and filled with brilliant colors. I like it so much that it's my wallpaper right now and in fact, I feel like printing it out and framing it up BECAUSE I LOVE IT THIS MUCH.
Arrgh. This really makes me miss Japan. I want to go back! But not on a tour. I want to wander about the place by myself. Anyways, if I count correctly, I may just get to minor in JS which is a total plus. On the other hand, I am having strong conflicting feelings about getting the results for the past sem mods. I want them, yet I have this sinking feeling I will be crying when I get them. D: Rawr.
*Looks at clock* Baaaah. Have to be up in another two and half hours to go to MY. The parents like to start early. Go figure. Might not sleep at all so I can sleep on the car all the way there. I will bring a pillow! Fantabulous idea!
Goodbye Folks.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
1. I am ill once again ladies and gentlemen. This is not good. I keep falling ill this year. D:
2. Which meant cancelling all plans and staying in bed. Sniff.
3. I reformatted my laptop! Finally! I can listen to songs and watch vids till my eyes burn! Only drawback is I backed everything up except for my Favourite list. Have lost all blog sites. Won't be blog surfing for a while now...
4. I should just do my Xmas shopping in MY.
5. Friday date with green folks!
6. MY will be shopping and making full use of all the free things they give us.
7. Dad bought a new TV. Way bigger than our previous so it takes some getting used to. O_o
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I have. It seems I have assorted plans everyday. I haven't actually have had a day to be lazy and wake at 2pm. This holidays seem to be really busy, but I love meeting up with old friends and spending money on stuff that actually makes me happy.
Highlight of the week would have to be todays...or rather yesterday's BBQ at Bryan's place. Primary school gathering. I'm still amazed that the bunch of us still bother to take the trouble and meet up after all these years. For other class gatherings and meet-ups, just getting people to turn up is a chore. Granted every year it's just Si Ying, Juan, me and a whole bunch of the guys, but still, much fun. The plan was Cashew Heights but it poured like crazy so we went off to Bryan's place...directly opposite. Hahs. I drove across four lanes horizontally. I get amusement easily.
Some of us never change, some of us change so much yet still retain that quality from long ago. Just a few years back we were still chasing and teasing each other round and round. Today the teasing hasn't stopped but the chatter has turned to more serious stuff (although gossip still reigns!) and the guys have many army/navy/police/etc stories to tell. There was this half hour where we kept talking about....how they had to deal with dead bodies. -_-
As usual there was too much food, as usual the idea was to throw everything away. But me and Juan naaaaagged so they kept some. It was much more fun than expected, but I guess we had plenty to catch up on seeing as we missed two years. I might have hated primary school back then, but I'm glad I made these friends. =)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
2. When I say flatties, there should be no arguement.
3. XJ will forever and ever and ever be late.
4. I need a job.
5. Doesn't mean I might actually get one.
6. Haji Lane was fun!
7. I still need to clean my room.
8. I want to go Japan.
9. Nothing beats cheap and suprisingly good food people.
10. HELEN. When will you date me? We live close now.
11. I want a polaroid camera. This is top on my christmas list.
12. Food Hunters UNITE :D
13. is not a unlucky number!
14. XH and the BKK people are back. Yahoo~
Be a good cat.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
1. Exams are over! It hasn't really hit yet but it will after I spent too much quality time with my laptop.
2. Happy Birthday Doris!!! Wear the green dress often!
3. XH is off to Japan. I am wishing to be in the lugage
4. I hate driving. There is no point in offering a car with a full tank and free cash card. I will not appreciate it and will slam my room door in your face. Especially if you wake me up halfway through a nap.
5. I hate driving.
6. Christmas is in the air! I can feel it in my bones.
7. I need to clean my room.
8. I will now proceed to spend quality time with my baby, hard drive.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
D: I think I've been studying too much. Also, it is weird when plenty have gotten past their first paper and my exams don't even start till their second paper is over. It's just kind of weird.
I think the first day after exams, I am cooping up at home with my laptop. I need to pay extra attention to it. I need to use it for other reasons besides dictionary.com and wikipedia. Hahs.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I am all ready to study people!
Then I spent the next one hour surfing the net and randomly looking at my clean desk and neatly arranged notes with great pleasure and pride, instead of...
..well instead of actually studying.
I am spechul like that people.
Friday, November 9, 2007
I shall not think about my IR essay, suffice to say that getting a B or even C+ will make my day.
Anyways, today went to school to hand up the essay and to celebrate dear AP's bday! It was much much fun and a much needed stress-relief enjoyment after slogging for the past week. It was like Art's Camp/Oweek all over again. Had stations for the birthday threesome to complete which basically ended with them getting stickered and drawn with lipstick. Much much fun!! Also, this time I was a programmer! XD Seriousely!! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun, we literally laughed till out mouths ached.
Then we had dinner at munchy monkies and had yummy yummy pasta, laughed at Remmy and took spastic photos. Great fun great fun! I love celebrations like this! Like when we celebrated MH's at settlers. Anyway, kudos to Camy for planning so much and so in detail, she really is a programmer through and through!
Just one more project to go and its time to gear up for the exams. I'm thinking of trying to study at home this time. The CL is a nono, since it's not exams time and already it's packed to the max. I usually study in the classrooms, but I want a change in environment this year. Afterall, I've managed to study at home and complete three essays at home this time. It's just so convenient at home! Also, I won't go broke eating out everyday.
And last Yayness! My Pacific album has been shipped out. Technically I could download the whole album online, but I don't want to spoil myself. I spent 40 buckaroos on it, I want to enjoy it at the maximum!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

And this is me getting fresh mineral water from the river WHICH IS LIKE 0 DEGREES. I still remember the cold and the pain after that I felt in my hand today. I had to wrap my hand in my scarf for a good ten minutes!
Cabins! We stayed here for one night. It's really pretty cause there are rows of them lying all around. It was really warm and comfy inside. ^^
At some random beach we stopped by to stretch our legs. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SUMMER. Don't ask me why it was so cold. I got a sunburn.
Waterfalls, the first 10 waterfalls I saw were really pretty. The next 20 were a blur. I didn't bother to photograph the next 8246385735 of them. Seriously, they were everywhere!
This was at the very top of One Tree Hill in Auckland. Why are my eyes closed? Because I could not open them as the wind was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too strong. Seriously, people could get blown off here.
PARTY TREE. Everyone in the little tour did a little dance here. XD
Bilbo's house. :DDDDDDD
This is me and the mother at Rotorua. We were at the volcano park. OMG ROTORUA SMELLS LIKE FART. Seriously, blame the sulphur.
Sulphur pool. It was more yellow than the green here. My camera does no justice.
Okay, I would totally upload my JPN trip photos, only there are a gazillian jazillian of them (most of Disneyland :D). So I'll do it another day! Yay!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Urgh. Today has been a lazy day for me. And I still got some work done. This is odd and weird and has never happened before. School is getting to me. I just want this sem to be over. Everyone has been saying this sem passed in a flash, which is true, but all the same, it has been so draining that I think this sem has dragged too long. I WANT IT TO BE OVER. In fact, bring on the exams. Except of IR, every other module I'm pretty okay..even confidant of doing well.
I just really really want this sem to be over.
NOW please.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
First my EPT lecture consists of Mutalib repeating the logic of the fish. Fish on a spit, in the oven. Big fishes in the pond will bully the small fishes.
Then I had an almost whole tutorial where we discussed 'fishing' and it's impacts in my IR tutorial. Of course 'fishing' was just an example to the issues we were discussing. Still, there really was a lot of fishing going around.
Third, IR lecture talked about fishing too. And immediatly those from my tutorial cracked up.
And now once again I am doing my EPT essay so fish keeps appearing again and again.
I am terribly amused.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I like my JS group, we're not exactly the do-er kind of group. We procrastinate but we can things done when needed. Also we get along pretty well considering the fact we're pretty different people. (Although I think Thomas is going to go back to France thinking Singaporean girls are crazy and Wilfred serverely tramuatized by us :DDDD).
We did really put in extra effort to make the tutorial more interactive and less of a snoozefest like the previous two. I'm really glad it turned out well.
It makes me really happy I chose to do this mod even though I bidded for it thinking I'll be alone. And I hate going for mods alone. D: Meeting WanYu during the first lecture was excellent, but cooincidental. I'm really glad I took this mod.
A plus today! Finally met Sussanna in school today! And realised WanChing is in FASS too a few days back! People! Tell me if you come to FASS! Do not just appear and suprise me like that!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
In other news, I think I've developed a phobia of the screeching brake sounds of cars. D: I didn't realise I was that shaken from the accident.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
To be fair, my brother was at fault to. He braked too late too hard, if only to prevent getting caught by the red light camera. Still the lorry was way to fast. Cause if he was keeping a safe distance and not speeding, logically if he still banged us there would have been a chain reaction all the way back on the busy road. But nope, just our car and the lorry. D:
I probably won't be seeing my car for about a month now. DDD:
urgh. Safety belts really really really are a life saver. People sitting at the back, BUCKLE UP.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
fucked up readings are also those which ramble on and on and on and the content doesn't match the title and the author is too fucking damn lazy to use sub headers OR EVEN PRESS THE ENTER KEY ONCE MORE to at least show a change in focus.
using big words does not make you seem smart. it just makes your writing confusing, unable to be understood and maeks you seem like you're trying to impress through literature rather than content.
well fucking go write a fiction book then.
Me and Jia once said that as you become long time friends, you tend to just skim pass, accept and even accomodate each others faults.
I'll do the same for my friends and I hope they'll continue to indulge me. =D
Also, my nails are real. They are not fake. Please do not try to remove them like you would fake nails. D:
Saturday, September 29, 2007
ahem. What I mean is my essay. It is in good shape. I should be able to finish it before Monday officially appears. Excellent.
Went to the Thank You dinner by Arts Club on Thurs night. Cabbed waay beyond what I wanted to, but offcially spent 25bucks on my outfit. Yayness! Went a little crazy taking photos with everyone, but it was great fun. Sitting with the 26th was also...an experience. XD
And now I must go explore the Vietnamese invasion. whee.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Becoming part of Arts Camp Ocom was sort of an accident. Joining the PRTeam aka Awesome Threesome was sudden. Being part of Arts Camp Ocom was an interesting experience. If there was one thing I really learnt was to how to work with different people during various situations. And I do mean different people. Also, do not think admin work is easy. It is not. Like really truely not.
Just before and during the camp awesome threesome wanted to die. It might have seemed easy to the rest running around with the camp in the hot sun. There we were sitting in the air-conditioned clubroom or LT facing our laptops and listening to music. But really, there were so many times we were pressed close to tears from the stress. Having to take shit from everyone and not being able to let it out. Staring at multiple exel sheets with font size 9 throughout the day/night/morning. Keeping track of those DAMN FUCKING KEYS. Dealing with irresponsible people. Calling people 24/7. Having a smile no matter what. Planning ahead to be as efficient as possible and still having screw ups.
At one point during the camp itself, at least personally, I was pretty against the Programmers. Always being in the clubroom ment I only saw them when they were resting there, taking a break, sometimes even complaining about how they had to take multiple roles..etc. I got pretty mad. Firstly because the PRTeam never had a break. Sometimes we were so busy we didn't even have time to eat. And while they complained about their multiple roles, at least they got to interact with the camp. The only time we had that chance was the once or twice we were station masters. We never saw the bonding between OGs that everyone talked about. We never saw the spirited cheering from the houses.
Of course I was being unfair. Programmers had their own kind of stress, problems and shit to deal with. And as idealistic and cliche as it seems, we are one Ocom family. =)
Arts Camp really took it's toll on me. So much so I refused to got back to Oweek as the PR again. I know a few people were counting on me to go back. And I probably pissed off a few people by not going back. I would have really wanted to help TK. But Arts Camp just exhausted me. At that moment in time the bad experiences outweighed the good. Now of course when I look back, I'm really happy I joined Arts Camp Ocom. For the things I learnt, for the friends I made and simply for the experience itself.
And Rag. I wasn't part of the com so I wasn't that stressed. But still, I learnt much from being in Rag. I saw the ugly side of people and became more aware of everything around me. I felt the pressure, the hopes, the bond and the friendship. Rag's tagline is appropiate. Passion, Friendship, Triumph.
Truely, when the last week arrives and you're so sleep deprived and your whole life revolves around cutting and pasting and sticking and folding, Passion is the only thing that keeps you going.
When you're tired and fed up and things don't go right, Friendship is the only reason why you keep going back. It's the reason why things don't get mundane. It's the reason why it's 4am in the morning, you have hundreds more flowers to fold and you just keep going.
Triumph. The traditional meaning of it has eluded Arts once again this year. But the Triumph of putting the last flower, of making the last brick of pushing the props and completing that five minutes of awe. I can't describe it. You have to experience it to know it.
While to a certain extent I had more fun and made closer ties with Arts Camp, Rag is the project I know I'll definitly be helping next year, even if I won't be as involved as this year.
Because Rag is a project where every little bit of help is truely appriciated. Every can you cut, someone has one less can to cut, a bit more time to fold. Evey paper you fold, someone has one less paper to fold, a biut more time to pain. Every square you paint, someone has one less square to pain, a bit more time to cut. Every little bit you contribute, you know you've helped.
This three months holiday was probably the most meaningful and productive one I ever had. I don't regret it.
Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
An update!
Am rather proud of myself cause I didn't get lost after sending MH to her tuition kid somewhere in Jurong. Yayness for regconizing roads! (...even if I don't remember the names.)
Am slowly getting in the routine of studying. About time really. Now I've tons of readings to catch up on. My mods this sem are pretty cool. Except Nation Building. I was pretty let down by the tutorial. I was hoping it'll be more interesting and somewhat less formal so ideas could run free. But I've got a tutor who adheres STRICLY to the book. It almost seems she has a CORRECT answer to every question. Sheesh. A let down really. Am also pretty worried about Intro to IR because OMG I feel totally ignorant during lectures and the readings literally give me headaches. I shall find solace in my other mods. Interesting mods. Whee.
Also have recently been stalking THIS. I swear, I'm addicted to it. It's ridiculous how unreasonable, racist and retarded people can get. It's also rather....refreshing(?) to see the ugly side of people all the way around the world. Ugly Singaporeans are not alone!
I am watching the Rat movie tomorrow. Yayness! And Hairspray next week! Movies are awesome! Yay!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
I am ragging. I go to school to paint, I go home and there's painting too. See, the dad ate something wrong and decided to repaint the entire house.
Yes, I am tired.
Right now I am in school ragging and the only reason I am blogging is because I'm taking a break from thinner. Mei Ling has named me 'thinner girl' my intellect is dropping and my fingers are corroding off. D:
Anyway, because of thinner I feel like I've drunk eleven bottles of wine and my head is killing me. Thus I subject myself to my loud rock-ish music and blogging.
Yes, the thinner has got to me.
Bye bye.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Okay so my birthday turned out better than I'd expected. The thing was, the days leading up to my birthday weren't good at all. Firstly I was and still am down with the flu. I actually have to pop panadol just to keep a level head. So obviously I wasn't much fun when i went out with friends. And just yesterday I had to bail out on Fidz cause I was in no shape to travel to town. So that was a huge bummer.
Secondly, and you may think rather stupidly, my favourite bakery is closed for two weeks, with my birthday right smack in the middle. Means the tradition of me getting my birthday cake from there was squashed. I know I know, it's just a bloody cake. No need to get upset. There are plenty of other bakeries with better tasting cakes. But see, I'm the kind of person who loves their birthday. I love my birthday. I look forward to it each year. It's really just another day, but for that day I always feel extra special wherever I am. I don't need or want any extravagent party or expensive gifts. I just want to celebrate it quietly with my family by going for a good meal and coming home to cut that cake. I like it this way. I like to stick to tradition.
777, is supposedly a really lucky number. So I knew there was too much 'luck' and was kinda feeling "of course I would fall ill and can't get my cake." Too much of a good thing. 070707, I was kinda hoping for a really perfect birthday I guess......and in the process jinxing myself.
But my birthday turned out rather excellent. Firstly the rather paiseh-ing suprise at fish&co the day before. And today was pretty fun with the family for lunch and dinner with friends. I also got cool presents! I am a happy girl! Yay!!! =)
Anyway to all my lovelies who wished me happy birthday (kudos to Jia for the uncharacteristically sweet sms),
Hope your lucky lucky day was a good as mine! I love you guys to bits and pieces!! Thanks!!!
I really do love my birthday. ^^
Sunday, June 10, 2007
1. I will get off my lazy ass one day and go to the desktop computer where my Japan trips pics are collecting dust. I will post them here, this blog. I will. Eventually.
2. I scratched my beloved car (WHICH OMFG I SHARE WITH MY BROTHER) against a pillar while parking at the multistorey carpark of my estate. Some nice guy helped me, thanks. I cried like really badly when I called my Dad. Like bawled, till my Dad was so worried he got my Mom to call me. Manged to polish away the scratches only to realise there's this itsy bitsy teeny weeny dent which my brother is still going to notice and I am going to die. I feel retarded because a) I was practicing parking before and after the inncident, nothing happened. b) it really isn't a big deal but my brother is going to skin me.
3. I've been busy with artscamp07 stuff. And today Ocom members are meeting up in preparation for pre-camp. It'll be fun, the PRTeam will be overworked and stressed and I'll be in school till Tuesday. (which is the day my brother comes back from HK and will skin me)
4. Thus I feel obliged to let all my friends know I love you guys and really, don't blame my brother, if possible, knock down that pillar.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Am at Changi Airport now. Hehs. Bording time is....in an hour. I am bored, and sleepy. And also terribly excited about going to Japan. Totally not phsyced about the plane ride though. Meeh. I can never seem to sleep on planes. Hoping that not sleeping last night would let/coerce/force me to at least catnap. Yay.
Alright, shall go browse the duty free shops.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Seriously, dear any incoming freshmen reading mah blog, doesn’t matter what uni, go for any orientation camps. I swear, I’m not lying when I say a large social network is important for you to enjoy your uni life.
But anyways, events like these are great opportunities for me and mh to meet and go a little crazy. Hehehehes. FASS day was pretty fun. And I saw tons of people. Like Emiko. Like Michelle. Like Usha. And a whole bunch of other commonwealthians. And Amy Yeo popped up at the last moment so I went for dinner with her and the friend, Angeline. Hehs.
Arrgh. Next week is going to be slightly crazy. I’ve promised a bunch of different people to meet up and I need to do some shopping. Not just funfun crazy enjoyable shopping, but urgent I-really-need-these-stuff shopping. Meeeeeh. And Jun! We need to meet up. I need to do some unspeakable things to you. Yay!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Of course I would totally get into something new and start wanting and 'must have'ing it.
What's the latest thing I'm crazy over? Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.
I should just stop watching movies at 1am in the morning. The last time it was The Count of Monte Cristo, now this. Seriously.
and i'm really worried. contact me damn it.
Friday, May 11, 2007
*glances at clock*
Yesterday was Jun's bday. Being excellent and creative and awesome beyond her, I appearantly sent a Happy Birthday msg to her which was above her intellect level.
Seriously Jun, by the time you got Y_B shoudln't you have realise what it was.
Nevermind, I shall be gracious and admit that I love you
By the way we totally have to meet up so I can give you the naturally awesome (since I picked it) present, wrapped not so awesomely since life is fair that way (I.E. my wrapping skills were swaped for superior intellect).
mean while I love all of my friends even if I haven't been contacting you. Yes, you.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
And I'm getting really really really hyped up about the Japan trip. The brother's gf is not helping. We are making LISTS (note the S sweeties) of what to buy, and we've made a pact to sleep like 4-5 hours a day and just romp around as much as possible. She's travelled in Tokyo before, so she knows where to go and that shops open till like 11 at night which is all kinds of awesome since holidays to Western countries are a pain when it comes to shopping. Exciting exciting!!
Anyways, been digging around my collection of CDs and songs. Picked a few gems here and there...like oldies which appeal to my sappy girl side, like the awesome that is the whole 'One Tree Hill' OST which I think I nicked from YY.
I want to visit a flea market, and thrift shops, and second hand shops. I want to romp! MH! stop being so busy and go romping with me!!! And I want to watch Spiderman3. Seriously.
And I seriously want to go Japan if only to buy CDs because compared to the imported CDs at HMV, CDs are considered dirt cheap. I WANT....*claws*
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
anyway, dinner dinner. spent most of it giggling and gushing about the upcoming japan trip with the brother's gf. i swear, i have so many things on my list to buy
anyway. i am bored. the thing with finishing your papers early is that every single one of my friends are either still mugging or working. WTF. AND MAY YOU DUMBASS, DITCHING ME BECAUSE OF STUPID PIMPLES. IHU.
so i've been spending quality time with my japanese pretty boys (because my dad is all kinds of awesome and appearantly prone to impluse buying and bought me a hard drive with 279 GB of storage space. FTW PEOPLE FTW) and watching pool matches with the brother all afternoon...
...which isn't exactly bad except my brain is still in exam mode and i have to keep reminding myself "no Evelyn dear, your exams are over. you don't have to feel guilty for slacking and doing absolutely nothing". WTF. my brain is wrapped.
.........is it possible to sleep too much?
Friday, April 27, 2007
and so having left the exam early, me and mh went off on our date. XD
hehs. we were planning to go to the toy museum....but the entrace fee was 10bucks. =E fine. so we walked/strolled/window peeked all the way to the national museum instead.
meeh, all the entrance fees have gone up. the last time i check, student price was along the lines of 1.50 to 2 for most of the museums in singapore. like the last time we went to the art museum it was 1.50 each. but now, it's 5 bucks. but it was a long walk to the national museum so we paid and went in.
the revamped national museum is AWESOME and i mean
there's so much to see so much to read just so much to walk about and see!!!!!!! we only had time to go through the 'personals' side of the museum and we are soo going back for the events side and other exhibits we couldn't see! museums are awesome, i swear. they are much fun to look around and walk. singapore is small and boring, and museums are excellent for town-weary people like us. hahahahas!!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
they went ahead and bought a CAR for me and the brother.
okay. so it wasn't really a suprise. i've know for about....a grand whole week that my dad has been considering different models of cars. appearantly ever since i got my license, the dad has been planning to get a car. appearantly, everybody knew but me. how excellent. and here i was thinking that the nightly discussions of money stuff between the dad and the brother was for the brother's work. wut? he does finacial something in uni.
so anyway last sunday was o.O for me because i only knew of the car plans till we were in the Honda showroom. and also because all along in my head, the image of a family with two cars meant you had to stay in some landed property and happily spent a few hundred bucks on...sheesh i don't know a meal? clothes ot one go? you know, people with as much money as the amount of salt in my kitchen. so i never thought we could afford a second car. i mean seriously, the dad is the sole breadwinner, there's two kids in uni, one private, and while i can safely say i never had any moneytary woes.....i just never thought we could afford another car.
well, so my first instinct was to msg yijia is aussie which fell along the lines of "MY DAD HAS BEEN PLANNING TO GET A CAR FOR ME AND THE BRO. WHY DID I NOT KNOW HE IS THAT RICH AND WHY IS THIS NOT REFLECTED IN MY ALLOWENCE"
oh, and before last sunday i never knew that the brother gets 300 bucks more than me for allowence. i've been scrimping and saving these few months but i never EVER have enough to survive and was feeling all shiaty for asking the mom for extra money till i realised my allowence of is less than mh's bursery thingy. -_________-
so i was thinking, while i'm always saying how proud i am of my independence, i'm actually a sheltered girl with little sense of normalacy at all. sheesh. i need to get a little more street smart. seriously. wake up sweetie.
p.s everyone can forget about free rides till june/july cause that's when the car arrives. heh.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Saturday, April 7, 2007
i am so amused. spent half an hour reading select enteries. really pretty amusing. and while i was much more angsty during my teenage years, i was just as weird and random.
some things..you just don't grow out off Y/Y? =D
anyway i'll probably update it slightly with random quotes and stuff, just to keep it alive. hahs.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
the whole place was fogged up with second hand smoke. it's disgusting and gross. urgh. and michelle could smell the lingering stench on me when i reached the lt. the stench CLINGS to you. eeeeh.
i probably wasn't thinking when i agreed to meet the friend there.
never again.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
i just saw the mv for the song sang by louzhixiang featuring....KODA KUMI.
but anyway why kodakumi? kodakumi has an awesome voice but all she sells is sex sex sex. you'd think they'll get someone like ai otsuka. hehs.
by the way, the name of the song. twinkle.
erm. random, but it's nice to know kpop culture hasn't fully taken over singapore. i just saw someone opening Arashi's calendar and other person wearing a KAT-TUN tee in school. hahahas. yays.
Friday, March 9, 2007
they came back bringing dinner for us and a
"By the way, we're going to Japan in May. Tickets have been booked"
dear dad and mum,
annoucements like these absolutely do not fall under the 'by the way' category.
so well, YAY! hahs. but anyway the brother's girlfriend is joining us. that's not weird. the brother joins her family for holidays too and she comes to our extended family gatherings and such.
the weird thing is the brother's girlfriend's MOTHER is coming too.
erm. my parents haven't exactly met her parents before.
quite cool yes? first parents' meeting is on a holiday to Japan. weird.
Monday, March 5, 2007
it's only for 7 days. 6 if you count flying.
envy me.
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plenty of people are shocked that i don't like korean dramas. even my brother was. taiwan dramas i watch...i get bored, but i watch. japanese dramas are when fangirling me comes out. but i don't do korean dramas. they kinda...suck. whoops.
but anyway, the point is, that right now in my house, in the living room, the dad the mum and the brother are watching a korean drama and here i am choosing to
the family watches singapore idol, american idol, project superstar superband super-w/e.
i don't.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
mine was....alright until i met up with some triumph folks for dinner and then it was t3h awesome. helped wrap flowers for arts club cause they were selling roses dirt cheap, only because the quality is like "WTF they are damn ugly lahs". but there was still plenty of suckers who bought them, so go arts club. then later helped out meiling with her charity booth thingy. hahas, asking for donations is fun in NUS cause we basically cornered friends and forced them to spit out money. oh and may, JIEWEI finally acknowledged my pressence. it's kinda hard not to when i shoved the donation tin under his nose. hahahahas.
anyways as i was saying dinner was t3h awesome cause triumph is fun even tho many people pang sehed us. cause bella is damn cute and calls kathy boss. but we decided to call alvin boss, because we can. and alvin is funny, cause june takes advantage of him and it's really funny. and alex is full of random. and doris. DORIS. need i say more? she's t3h fun. and the topic of zeren keeps coming up and the mere mention of his name sends everyone into fits of laughter. oooh, before going off, we were waiting in the forum for alex, so xh and py was still with us. i swear, the way me+doris+june+xh were acting..IT WAS SO FUN AND PERVERTED BUT LET'S CONCENTRATE ON THE FUNESS. it kinda felt like oweek again so it was t3h awesome and xh was totally insync with me and that's also t3h awesome.
oh and mh makes awesome brownies, cause they're soft and yet hard like stiff chocolate fudge and not cakey at all but oh-so-lickable and OMG the chocolate is t3h awesome. and the one i shared with you today is totally not enough because i was full from macs breakfast and was so not able to fully appreciated t3h awesomeness that are your brownies.
oh, and the entire js lecture was stuck outside the lt for a full 20odd minutes, it was funny and irritating. hahs.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
that has never happened before in any of my previous lectures. hahs.
recently i was once again confronted with the question "why do you wanna major in PS?!?!?!"
cause it's entertaining seeing grown men acting like petty kids.
well, people still think i'm gonna go into politics and the first female PM of singapore of something. it's semi-flattering and stuff. but seriously. hahs. never. neeeeeeever.
anyways, thursdays are heavy. JS then 2248. it's like 2 intense history lessons of two very different yet connected countries one after another. my brain is packed. overwhelmed. yikes.
i got roped into arts camp Ocom. gonna do PR with meiling. OMG what have i got myself into? evelyn you retard.
Monday, February 5, 2007
1. people think the chat point is sound-proofed. IT'S NOT
2. people also think discussion rooms are sound-proofed. OMFG NO THEY ARE NOT.
3. weren't we told a million times that you can be heard if you're talking at the stairs? your voice is amlpified 10times of smth. sheesh.
5. seriously, sleeping in the library is fine. i do it too. it is not fine however, if you SNORE LIKE A FUCKING GRUNTING PIG. it was amusing for 5secs, then everybody wanted to slice you up into tiny bloody pieces.
meeh. been spending quite a large amount of time studying in the central library these days..because i've got nothing better to do.
well, actually there's plenty of other things i'll rather be doing but..........i feel semi-guilty and immensely irritated when i get behind on my readings. which i already am, but catching up. i'm now only behind for 2 modules. NEWMEDIA IS SO BORING I WANT TO DIE. LIKE SERIOUSLY, STRANGLE MYSELF KIND OF DYING.
ahem. excuse my incoherent ramblings please.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
i don't like the taste of human blood. especially mine. =S
see, i went to the dentist today. appearantly i had bit into some super-assed hard biscuit. so my bottom left last tooth cracked. i.e. it needed to be pulled out. =(((
that was one HARD biscuit cause the dentist showed me my tooth....woah. it was...in two pieces!!!
anyways, what comes with pulling teeth out?
lot's of it.
well, it's been 3 hours, i've no more gauze to bite on and the amount of blood coming out is minimal....still everytime i swallow, i taste blood. in fact, i can smell blood when i open my mouth. and the hole is itching, but i can't scratch it. it's also slightly aching, but the anesthesia hasn't worn off so it's contributing more to the itching. meeeh.
my megawatt smile however isn't affected. =DDDDDDDDD
Friday, January 26, 2007
what is priceless?
dear xiaojun's face when she stepped out of her tutorial class and saw me and jia flashing megawatt smiles at her.
i will never forget that look. XD
me and jia are brilliant evil sneaky plotters...who have rather good sense of directions. we made it all the way to her tutorial room without getting lost..or asking anybody for help. HAHAHAS. we are the awesome.
anyways, we headed to town sans jun cause she had like 3more hours of school...and we didn't. amazingly we walked the whole of far east and i could not find the clutch or bag i've been dying to get. i did however get amazingly pretty shoes.
pretty pretty.
they will be saved for CNY tho.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
and at some people. DO YOUR JOB PROPERLY!
lazy bums.
PRESSURE I NEED PRESSURE!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i want to whine. dsfobnsdofgovjdenafoalsrnbgfvntgveijdntbjeazsnfdbtngdjnbednjk
i wish i had motivation. self-motivation. sheesh.
over the weekend i drove from serangoon to tuas to jurong point.
busy roads? no prob.
highways? no prob.
expressways? no prob.
sharp turns? no prob.
basement carparks??? OMGWTFH
but i got through it with the hippo car un-hurt. *hurraaaay*
but i hate those humps. humps are not supposed to be that bumpy. they can be high, but still they are gentle. not high and so steep.
sooo annoying.
i met chunying today. nice morning suprise. she is as hyper as ever. nice to know some things never change.
i am still rather irritated at myself now.
and it's growing.
i got a rose today. me and helen ('you SUCK my intelligence away!!') were eating at engine cafe when those nussu people went around giving roses. so rich eh? they're real roses. me and helen were like...and what do we do with them now.
well, it's sitting at my desk in a water bottle, because i don't have a vase for one stalk of rose. all my house has are gigantic ones which my mum uses once a year during chinese new year.
i am going to go sulk now.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
seriously, those coming in next sem, go for camps. go for rag. go for anything before entering NUS. it makes your life so much easier. you see friendly faces everywhere. just a few days back i was whinning about having to attend lectures by my lonely self, and now, at the end of my school week, i have found friends for each of my lectures!! even ps2248 contemporary politics in china!! i met sophie there!!! and sophie is fun! and crazy! hahahas.
and now for some shameless publicity for dear elaine/menghui/applie. she has a blog shop. visit it. i command you.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
i got the call to ask me to move in by this week yesterday. call it cold feet, but i spent the night talking to people staying in hall and weighing the pros and cons.
it basically got down to two main points.
1 the strongest reason why i wanna stay in hall is to experience it...have the feel of being independent... but seriously, the way i coop myself in my room, it's almost as if i stay alone. i mean i hardly ever step out of my room. i love my room.
2 i am not willing to use my cap as a bet. not ever. cap is a cruel and evil system that punishes anyone who so much as let their grades drop for any ONE module for any ONE semester. i will never use my cap as a bet.
it's like what ML said, rejecting the place will make the heart ache/itch, but it'll just be for a short while and its over. but playing with the cap is gonna haunt me forever.
my heart itches right now, but it's a choice i'm not gonna regret.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
well, i finally got my five mods. each cost me 1pt. hahas. damn lucky lah me. next sem i am sooo gonna declare major. takes away so much stress.
so, tadaaa.... next sem i'll be doing
1 Japanese Studies
2 New Media
3 Sociology
4 PS: Government and Politics in Singapore
5 PS: Politics in Contemporary China
and no, i will not be reading chinese readings for my last module. seriously, it's everyone's first reaction. T_T
seesh. anyway, juan msged me telling me i got in KR but it's either block A or D. fine. whatever. i'll move in. if i like it yay, if i don't i shall be a phantom and move out after one sem. hmfp.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
because i haven't slept.
yes, i haven't slept.
i was up the whole night youtubing. why? because my hols are ending and bidding for modules is really pissing me off. i admit, it's a much better system then queuing up at 6am outside the lecturer's office. still, it is waaay too complicated and freaking annoying.
as much as i am bored by the holidays and want school to start, i love slacking. i love being a shutin-youtubing-sleeping person. so i'm making the best out of what little time i have left to being such a person. when school starts, the focus has to be 110% on school. getting B+s is easy in NUS Aceing stuff is hard. and i wanna ace. i really want too. quite badly. so i'll enjoy myself fully, to the point where i'll be sick of enjoying myself and can fully devout myself to my studies.
hell, i am so put off by the KR screw up plus the fact that staying in hall would effectively kill any spare time i have (which should be spent on mugging-related stuffs), i think i'm gonna reject even if they give me a place. unless they give me the original place. urgh.
anyways, been pretty busy, meeting up with people and stuff. I LOVE MY FRIENDS. even if i'm the non-birthday remembering, non-present giving type of person, i love hanging out with friends. which is why jia, we totally have to make that chinatown date even tho we keep procrastinating. XP
this reminds me of the mrt inccident on monday when i went to changi airport( WTF? may's idea. hahas) with yeo may and xz. everyone who knows me well enough knows my pet peeve is the fact that so many retards in singapore don't understand the simple logic that is "if people in the train can't get out, you can't go in. so fucking stop blocking the entrance by standing right smack in the middle of the tain doors" the nice mrt staff people have kindly drawned neon yellow lines to guide you where to stand. OPEN YOUR EYES DAMNIT. i mean it's not like those who unceremoniously block the doors are the elderly or the uneducated. THEY ARE FUCKING WORKING ADULTS. you! YOU in your smart looking suit, carrying the professionally looking bag are actually commiting such an ungracious act. don't you feel ashamed.
urgh. i have digressed. anyway the inccident was that as usual retards were blocking the doors, so the people inside had to FORCE/SHOVE/PUSH their way out. they would have been stuck in the train otherwise. while society dictakes forcing/shoving/pushing people out of the way is a big booboo, these people are pretty much excused since retards are not allowing them to alight. but appearantly there are bigger retards in singapore. this china-chinese guy actually had the guts to openly complain to his friend about the people forcing their way out to be people without 'gong1 de2'
FUCKING ASSHOLE. you were one of the retards BLOCKING their exit and you actually dare to complain about others being ungracious? if someone shoved you out of the way for no reason, that guy is at fault. BUT YOU WERE BEING UNGRACIOUS AT FIRST AND BLOCKING THE OTHER PERSON, LEAVING THE OTHER PERSON NO CHOICE BUT TO SHOVE RETARDS LIKE YOU OUT OF THE WAY!!! talk about 'e4 ren2 xian1 gao4 zhuang4'
let's set the record straight. i don't hate china-chinese. i don't love them, or have a very good impression of them. i get irritated by their spoken english, and chinese for that matter, but they're probably irritated by singlish anyway. in fact i have met nice china-chinese. like that random china girl i met on flag day this year. the one who bought me a bottle of water and donated like 9 bucks worth of coins into my tin.
it's just... people like the retard from the train is one of the reason why most singaporeans have bad opinions of china-chinese. why don't people understand that people GENERALISE. which is way i hate going on tours overseas. i mean i love the travelling and stuff, but the ugly side of singaporeans which we glance over here in singapore, becomes glaringly obvious overseas. it's like giving singaporeans a bad name.
urgh, anyway, even if that mrt-china-retard was a singaporean, the urge for me to slap him would have been just as strong.
i'm not trying to be a prat here, i'm not saying i'm the most curteous person in singapore, but a little graciousnous from each of us can go a long way yanno. ( in fact it's more logic then manners)