Tuesday, November 6, 2007

So, I've decided that while procrastinating I can do fun stuff like upload photos from my two very very happy trips. First, the NZ photos from last year.

Can you spot the Bungee jumper? Way cool.
Hahas. We were driving and it was in plain sight. How could we not take a stopover here?
This is me and the mother outside the train we took. It was raining and OMFG cold. Seriously, I was wearing a tee and another jacket underneath my windbreaker.
Glacier. It's melting at the bottom which forms a RUSHING river of ice cold water.

And this is me getting fresh mineral water from the river WHICH IS LIKE 0 DEGREES. I still remember the cold and the pain after that I felt in my hand today. I had to wrap my hand in my scarf for a good ten minutes!
Meow. Cats are pretty anywhere.

Cabins! We stayed here for one night. It's really pretty cause there are rows of them lying all around. It was really warm and comfy inside. ^^
At some random beach we stopped by to stretch our legs. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SUMMER. Don't ask me why it was so cold. I got a sunburn.
Waterfalls, the first 10 waterfalls I saw were really pretty. The next 20 were a blur. I didn't bother to photograph the next 8246385735 of them. Seriously, they were everywhere!
This was at the very top of One Tree Hill in Auckland. Why are my eyes closed? Because I could not open them as the wind was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too strong. Seriously, people could get blown off here.
PARTY TREE. Everyone in the little tour did a little dance here. XD
Bilbo's house. :DDDDDDD
This is me and the mother at Rotorua. We were at the volcano park. OMG ROTORUA SMELLS LIKE FART. Seriously, blame the sulphur.
Sulphur pool. It was more yellow than the green here. My camera does no justice.

Okay, I would totally upload my JPN trip photos, only there are a gazillian jazillian of them (most of Disneyland :D). So I'll do it another day! Yay!