it's 7am. why am i awake?
because i haven't slept.
yes, i haven't slept.
i was up the whole night youtubing. why? because my hols are ending and bidding for modules is really pissing me off. i admit, it's a much better system then queuing up at 6am outside the lecturer's office. still, it is waaay too complicated and freaking annoying.
as much as i am bored by the holidays and want school to start, i love slacking. i love being a shutin-youtubing-sleeping person. so i'm making the best out of what little time i have left to being such a person. when school starts, the focus has to be 110% on school. getting B+s is easy in NUS Aceing stuff is hard. and i wanna ace. i really want too. quite badly. so i'll enjoy myself fully, to the point where i'll be sick of enjoying myself and can fully devout myself to my studies.
hell, i am so put off by the KR screw up plus the fact that staying in hall would effectively kill any spare time i have (which should be spent on mugging-related stuffs), i think i'm gonna reject even if they give me a place. unless they give me the original place. urgh.
anyways, been pretty busy, meeting up with people and stuff. I LOVE MY FRIENDS. even if i'm the non-birthday remembering, non-present giving type of person, i love hanging out with friends. which is why jia, we totally have to make that chinatown date even tho we keep procrastinating. XP
this reminds me of the mrt inccident on monday when i went to changi airport( WTF? may's idea. hahas) with yeo may and xz. everyone who knows me well enough knows my pet peeve is the fact that so many retards in singapore don't understand the simple logic that is "if people in the train can't get out, you can't go in. so fucking stop blocking the entrance by standing right smack in the middle of the tain doors" the nice mrt staff people have kindly drawned neon yellow lines to guide you where to stand. OPEN YOUR EYES DAMNIT. i mean it's not like those who unceremoniously block the doors are the elderly or the uneducated. THEY ARE FUCKING WORKING ADULTS. you! YOU in your smart looking suit, carrying the professionally looking bag are actually commiting such an ungracious act. don't you feel ashamed.
urgh. i have digressed. anyway the inccident was that as usual retards were blocking the doors, so the people inside had to FORCE/SHOVE/PUSH their way out. they would have been stuck in the train otherwise. while society dictakes forcing/shoving/pushing people out of the way is a big booboo, these people are pretty much excused since retards are not allowing them to alight. but appearantly there are bigger retards in singapore. this china-chinese guy actually had the guts to openly complain to his friend about the people forcing their way out to be people without 'gong1 de2'
FUCKING ASSHOLE. you were one of the retards BLOCKING their exit and you actually dare to complain about others being ungracious? if someone shoved you out of the way for no reason, that guy is at fault. BUT YOU WERE BEING UNGRACIOUS AT FIRST AND BLOCKING THE OTHER PERSON, LEAVING THE OTHER PERSON NO CHOICE BUT TO SHOVE RETARDS LIKE YOU OUT OF THE WAY!!! talk about 'e4 ren2 xian1 gao4 zhuang4'
let's set the record straight. i don't hate china-chinese. i don't love them, or have a very good impression of them. i get irritated by their spoken english, and chinese for that matter, but they're probably irritated by singlish anyway. in fact i have met nice china-chinese. like that random china girl i met on flag day this year. the one who bought me a bottle of water and donated like 9 bucks worth of coins into my tin.
it's just... people like the retard from the train is one of the reason why most singaporeans have bad opinions of china-chinese. why don't people understand that people GENERALISE. which is way i hate going on tours overseas. i mean i love the travelling and stuff, but the ugly side of singaporeans which we glance over here in singapore, becomes glaringly obvious overseas. it's like giving singaporeans a bad name.
urgh, anyway, even if that mrt-china-retard was a singaporean, the urge for me to slap him would have been just as strong.
i'm not trying to be a prat here, i'm not saying i'm the most curteous person in singapore, but a little graciousnous from each of us can go a long way yanno. ( in fact it's more logic then manners)