how was everyone's valentines?
mine was....alright until i met up with some triumph folks for dinner and then it was t3h awesome. helped wrap flowers for arts club cause they were selling roses dirt cheap, only because the quality is like "WTF they are damn ugly lahs". but there was still plenty of suckers who bought them, so go arts club. then later helped out meiling with her charity booth thingy. hahas, asking for donations is fun in NUS cause we basically cornered friends and forced them to spit out money. oh and may, JIEWEI finally acknowledged my pressence. it's kinda hard not to when i shoved the donation tin under his nose. hahahahas.
anyways as i was saying dinner was t3h awesome cause triumph is fun even tho many people pang sehed us. cause bella is damn cute and calls kathy boss. but we decided to call alvin boss, because we can. and alvin is funny, cause june takes advantage of him and it's really funny. and alex is full of random. and doris. DORIS. need i say more? she's t3h fun. and the topic of zeren keeps coming up and the mere mention of his name sends everyone into fits of laughter. oooh, before going off, we were waiting in the forum for alex, so xh and py was still with us. i swear, the way me+doris+june+xh were acting..IT WAS SO FUN AND PERVERTED BUT LET'S CONCENTRATE ON THE FUNESS. it kinda felt like oweek again so it was t3h awesome and xh was totally insync with me and that's also t3h awesome.
oh and mh makes awesome brownies, cause they're soft and yet hard like stiff chocolate fudge and not cakey at all but oh-so-lickable and OMG the chocolate is t3h awesome. and the one i shared with you today is totally not enough because i was full from macs breakfast and was so not able to fully appreciated t3h awesomeness that are your brownies.
oh, and the entire js lecture was stuck outside the lt for a full 20odd minutes, it was funny and irritating. hahs.