PS2249 is by far my most interesting lecture. It's the only lecture when the clock hits 45 makes the buzz and absolutly no one moves to pack up. everyone just willingly listens to the lecturer to the end.
that has never happened before in any of my previous lectures. hahs.
recently i was once again confronted with the question "why do you wanna major in PS?!?!?!"
cause it's entertaining seeing grown men acting like petty kids.
well, people still think i'm gonna go into politics and the first female PM of singapore of something. it's semi-flattering and stuff. but seriously. hahs. never. neeeeeeever.
anyways, thursdays are heavy. JS then 2248. it's like 2 intense history lessons of two very different yet connected countries one after another. my brain is packed. overwhelmed. yikes.
i got roped into arts camp Ocom. gonna do PR with meiling. OMG what have i got myself into? evelyn you retard.