anyway, dinner dinner. spent most of it giggling and gushing about the upcoming japan trip with the brother's gf. i swear, i have so many things on my list to buy
anyway. i am bored. the thing with finishing your papers early is that every single one of my friends are either still mugging or working. WTF. AND MAY YOU DUMBASS, DITCHING ME BECAUSE OF STUPID PIMPLES. IHU.
so i've been spending quality time with my japanese pretty boys (because my dad is all kinds of awesome and appearantly prone to impluse buying and bought me a hard drive with 279 GB of storage space. FTW PEOPLE FTW) and watching pool matches with the brother all afternoon...
...which isn't exactly bad except my brain is still in exam mode and i have to keep reminding myself "no Evelyn dear, your exams are over. you don't have to feel guilty for slacking and doing absolutely nothing". WTF. my brain is wrapped. it possible to sleep too much?