I was looking through my Japan pics and cringing really hard because my shaky hands means many blurry pictures...even my DisneyLand ones. FAIL EVELYN. But anyway I chanced upon this picture of Gacha machines. It's like my fave picture out of the 2532435pics I took in Japan. The weird thing is, I took this in a fleeting momment. We were at Osaka Castle eating over-priced Takoballs and basically just enjoying the weather and the sight of the Castle. There was a row of shops and right outside was this row of Gacha machines. Without thinking I was just snapping around and then we had to leave. The cool thing is, although I didn't give much thought into snapping this pic, it came out really well, not shaky and filled with brilliant colors. I like it so much that it's my wallpaper right now and in fact, I feel like printing it out and framing it up BECAUSE I LOVE IT THIS MUCH.
Arrgh. This really makes me miss Japan. I want to go back! But not on a tour. I want to wander about the place by myself. Anyways, if I count correctly, I may just get to minor in JS which is a total plus. On the other hand, I am having strong conflicting feelings about getting the results for the past sem mods. I want them, yet I have this sinking feeling I will be crying when I get them. D: Rawr.
*Looks at clock* Baaaah. Have to be up in another two and half hours to go to MY. The parents like to start early. Go figure. Might not sleep at all so I can sleep on the car all the way there. I will bring a pillow! Fantabulous idea!
Goodbye Folks.