I'm not sure what made me think about this, way back in Sec1 or 2(I can't even remember) for Lit class we had to buy this really expensive poetry book which was barely used. What I do remember is one line from a poem:
"The nun wonders what it's like to buy dinner for 2."
I thought it was really sad. Anyway, when i was really young I thought nuns and monks got married to each other.
Anyway after FINALLY getting our PDLs, me and jia trotted down to chinatown. OMG!! we just fell in love with everything. On Sunday after going to NUS we're gonna head back down to chinatown with money and just spend like crazy. There's soooo many things I wanna put my hands on! We even found some wedges which are not impossibly high!! And there's this really cool shop which sells it's merchentdise at dirt cheap prices. I am so falling in love with chinatown again. x)
Urgh. Tomorrow is gonna be my first practical driving lessons. I am so gonna freak out and my instructor is gonna walk out of the lesson deaf. =x I am so nervous. Ahhhh...