i'm litteraly living out of boxes. my new furniture is coming this sat, so today and the next few days will be spent transfering all of my belongings to my bro's room in boxes. stuff that i need immediatly are just placed in 2 boxes sitting on my desk. so...lipgloss? box2. cds? box1. watch? box1. nail polish? box2...ect. it's not inconvenient..just unusal. hahs.
anyways, while clearing out my closet i realised i have waaaaaaay too many useless stuff lying around. it's crazy!!!! i had no idea i had THAT much stuff. unbelivable actually. espcailly toys. like stuff toys. OMG. it's mind-boggling. i mean, i knew i had a..a collection of stuff toys due to the tendencies of sec sch mates to shower me with them on my birthday....but still. the sheer amount is ridiculous!! so i kept only a few really sentimental ones and one or two my mother deemed too expensive to throw away( "SIXTY BUCKS!! YOU ARE KEEEEEEEEEEEPING THAAT!!!!" ). and barbie dolls. being the only girl meant i wasn't kept wanting in the barbie doll section. i have like 17 barbies, 1 pocahauntas(sp?), 3 kellys, 1 ken and 1 kid boy(forgot the name). i'm only keeping one tho. cause it's pretty and it's dress is all flowery. hahas. the rest i'm giving to the salvation army.
at first i felt bad. it seemed like i was treating the salvation army as a rubbish dump for things i dont want. but really, if my only choice was to throw away all my toys, i'll keep them. they really do mean something to me, no matter how small. cause i can recall, that back then, if only for a few days, every particular toy was my security blanket which never left my side...till the next one came. but just like how a first love will forever have a soft spot in your heart, i've a soft spot for all my toys. ^^ And now i've got a chance to give them away so other kids can develop soft spots for these toys. besides, i keep my toys in good condition. a tad dusty, but not ragged. heads and limbs of all barbies are accounted, only their hair slightly mutilated x). i love my toys. i hope they don't end up with some spoilt kid with pink heellies.