Hello world.
Went for Cheryl's birthday party yesterday with Xiao Hui and Kai Weeee (and a few others but they are irrelevant! whahaa). Anyway felt kind of surreal because before foodhunt, this combination of the three of us never crossed my mind. But it was a good combination, enjoyed myself because of them.
Drove there and back. Did my second parallel parking which totally shouldn't be counted. In fact, my first one shouldn't be counted. Both times just required me to drive in as the first was a single slot and the second, the last slot. XDDDDDDDD
Cheryl's party was WOW. Princess was truely the theme and word of the day. Also I've figured out how to make KaiWeeeeeee eat. Get her bored then make sure sweet stuffs and abundant. I've never seen her eat so much before! Hehs.
Stop. Breathe. Reflect. What have you done today? Let's think about it.