Hello Hello Hello.
Am typing this in PI class because either I forgot to print the notes or my brilliant subconciousness prevented me from printing out the 58 slides. Rawr. Anyway, totally not listening. Am sticking around to see if Peter Li gives any hints for the exams. =\
Anyway, Futsal was this Sunday. Some people really impressed me by doing an excellent job! Hahas. You know who you are. Also, I gained further proof that guys think with their dicks, or at least testosterone. I was the team nanny for pitch 4 and Lester was my scorekeeper. Figures that the only major fight/scufle happened in my pitch and shocked me greatly cause I got shoved too. Hahs. I panicked and walkied Eugene to get his ass over to pitch 4. Hahaas. Drama drama. And being a team nanny turned out to be easier than expected...except for that scuffle of course.
Michy had a failed attempt at baking brownies and produced blackies instead. I love the taste and colour of her blackies tho. I am weird like that. But then again, people follow weird trends too. Back last year I was all crazy over neon-bright cupcakes, not the icing and everybody was like 'eeee all food colouring!!!'. Now what's the latest craze at curiouscupakes? Rainbow cupcakes full of neon-bright colouring. HMFP.
Exams seem like a long way off, when in reality it's like in two weeks. OHNO.