Thursday, March 11, 2010

Work work work.....with me

1. number one worry is the 7k essay due next week for somesoool. Ethics in Public Organizations. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I am not entirely sure how I am going to do it. Not bothering with the other readings for the other mods. Probably not going to be bothered with sleep as well.

2. Done with one presentation for the 2005. Omg only, thank god that one is over. Thank god I totally acted as a 大姐大 and got everything settled for the project. I half care about them bitching behind my back. I care a lot more about getting things done.

3. Dins plus Japan talk (and gossiping in general) with OTP for two consecutive nights. I am a satisfied girl. VVVVVVVV EXCITED ABOUT JAPAN. Like I wish I could go there NOW. We have this super long assed list of FOOD TO NOMNOM IN JAPAN. Like excitings only. The right person is definitely very important. I'm glad I'm going Japan with OTP, our love affair with the country is more than just the pretty boys and good food. Hurhur, we heart all the same things, and are amazed/appalled by the same things as well. =DDD We will go to Japan and be terrible foreign tourists! HURHUR.

4. Of two evils, would you rather your belove cheat on you with many others or one person? The Jack Neo thing puts things into perspective. The couple's blatant, almost rabid claims of love to each other may be sort of =\. But I can totally see why his wife still claims to love him and I am inclined to believe he still loves his wife. Having multiple girlfriends means his attraction to them was mostly physical and on an emotional level, he's still in love with his wife.

Still a bastard.