二 Readings for corruption this week (4221) is actually rather interesting. This stems from the fact that I am the discussant this week, as such must read well and throughly. Also, I've taken a few classes on Japan and actually know some of the stuff that is written in the readings. Score for UE mods! Now I actually need to finish the rest. I hope they are as interesting as they are exasperating.
三 The urge to move out and live on my own gets stronger each day. But I don't think it will ever happen. When I finally start earning the moolah for it to happen, my parents will probably be too old to be left alone. Oh well, live through my room...and other people.
四 DEADlines piling up. evelyn, last semester, please try not to torture yourself with less than minimal sleep. Totally not good. A plus point is that two of my essays I can actually write on Japan which increases motivation and interest for me. It is such a pain working for things you have no interests in. Like my GEK mods this and last sem. It becomes a burden and takes the fun out of everything. Which makes me want to be more discerning when it comes to job hunting. But hello evelyn, look at your resume. Beggers can't be choosers. Oh life. =/
五 say HI to little Paddington! ;)