Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Tattoo will look like this.

I'm serious. If I ever get a tattoo, I want it to looks as childish as this. If I were a guy, I'll get it on the underside of my forearm. Seeing as I am a girl.....maybe on my upper arm. I hardly wear sleeveless clothings anyway. :):):)

Friday, March 26, 2010

If this was Twilight...

I would read every book, watch every movie.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I swear I am not a feminist.

But you know, good song is good song. Brings me back to the days of CSS, of not just S.H.E. but Energy, 5566, when Jay and Sun Yan Zi ruled cpop. Oh nostalgia. Also, skyped Fidz and her FIANCÉ. Exciting much? Going to be looking out for green dresses from now on. I have never been so happy and excited to go shopping! Hahas. Met Carissa in school today, apparently she has seen MEI LING alive. I look forward to Sat. This is turning out to be GOOD WEEK.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Who I defend, I do not love.

This accompanied me through my 7k. Love it. Take a listen.

I wake up, it's a bad dream,
No one on my side,
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
to be fighting,
guess I'm not the fighting kind.
Wouldn't mind it
if you were by my side
But you're long gone,
yeah you're long gone now.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Motivation, come to me. Inspiration, take the same ride.

Oh god. 7k essay not going well. So much information and so confusing. I feel like I have to be super morally upright when writing this paper. Except there hasn't been much writing, and I'm not very moral.

Or morally upright.
Whatever. technicalities.

But at very least I haven't procrastinated to the very last minute. If I continue at this rate of productivity, I may actually finish this on time. Totally cannot ask for extension. I am going to die. Sleep is for the weak. Omg.

But anyway, on happier more cheerful stuff. I have discovered a reason to be messy. Instant photography I am in LOVE with you.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Work work work.....with me

1. number one worry is the 7k essay due next week for somesoool. Ethics in Public Organizations. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I am not entirely sure how I am going to do it. Not bothering with the other readings for the other mods. Probably not going to be bothered with sleep as well.

2. Done with one presentation for the 2005. Omg only, thank god that one is over. Thank god I totally acted as a 大姐大 and got everything settled for the project. I half care about them bitching behind my back. I care a lot more about getting things done.

3. Dins plus Japan talk (and gossiping in general) with OTP for two consecutive nights. I am a satisfied girl. VVVVVVVV EXCITED ABOUT JAPAN. Like I wish I could go there NOW. We have this super long assed list of FOOD TO NOMNOM IN JAPAN. Like excitings only. The right person is definitely very important. I'm glad I'm going Japan with OTP, our love affair with the country is more than just the pretty boys and good food. Hurhur, we heart all the same things, and are amazed/appalled by the same things as well. =DDD We will go to Japan and be terrible foreign tourists! HURHUR.

4. Of two evils, would you rather your belove cheat on you with many others or one person? The Jack Neo thing puts things into perspective. The couple's blatant, almost rabid claims of love to each other may be sort of =\. But I can totally see why his wife still claims to love him and I am inclined to believe he still loves his wife. Having multiple girlfriends means his attraction to them was mostly physical and on an emotional level, he's still in love with his wife.

Still a bastard.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today is your birthday.

I have written you many unsent letters filled with words I should have and want to tell you.

But I think it's suffice to say, today is the one day I let myself think of the painful and useless what ifs. Today is the day I cry but hope. Today is the day I remember and reminisce.

Today I regret.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tis a quiet Saturday afternoon, what would you like to do?

一 Giving tuition has if nothing else, cemented one thing for me; I am not cut out to teach. I am neither patient nor understanding. It is hard for me to keep my temper in check and I hate repeating myself. Like a lot. Bodes ill for my current tutee, whom I suspect after every lesson with increasing conviction, is suffering from some kind of learning disorder. =\ Other other hand, she looks like a doll and is not lazy, which motivates me to teach her as 1. not free money 2. I see effort.

二 Readings for corruption this week (4221) is actually rather interesting. This stems from the fact that I am the discussant this week, as such must read well and throughly. Also, I've taken a few classes on Japan and actually know some of the stuff that is written in the readings. Score for UE mods! Now I actually need to finish the rest. I hope they are as interesting as they are exasperating.

三 The urge to move out and live on my own gets stronger each day. But I don't think it will ever happen. When I finally start earning the moolah for it to happen, my parents will probably be too old to be left alone. Oh well, live through my room...and other people.

四 DEADlines piling up. evelyn, last semester, please try not to torture yourself with less than minimal sleep. Totally not good. A plus point is that two of my essays I can actually write on Japan which increases motivation and interest for me. It is such a pain working for things you have no interests in. Like my GEK mods this and last sem. It becomes a burden and takes the fun out of everything. Which makes me want to be more discerning when it comes to job hunting. But hello evelyn, look at your resume. Beggers can't be choosers. Oh life. =/

五 say HI to little Paddington! ;)

Friday, March 5, 2010

A step towards reorganization.

I think it's time to actually start acting like my blood type, all OCD and in need of clean. I have random bursts/spurts of OMG MUST ORGANIZE WHAT IS ALL THESE SHIT!?!?! Clearly not enough. Recently I've been liking everything thats all white and clean looking, might have to do with the immense number of readings. I just want things uncluttered and clean. Now that my real world is much better, time for my virtual one to get a face lift. Probably the only thing I still want to go for bold colours for is my nails. They are now a creme green. :D

School so far has been rather floaty for me. Neither extremely enjoyable nor outright depressing. The last spate of datelines for my academic career (as of right now I have no intention of studying anymore. this might change. or might not) hangs in the not-so-far future, so time to get my act together for the last time. Perhaps I may even enjoy the process this time. I'm just glad for all the ;DDD moments I have collected over the years. Sometimes even the D: moments, because they make life extra sweet.

This May I'll be treading all over the main Japanese island with OTP for what now looks like an excellent grad trip. I am squeeing in glee just thinking about it. So many places in the world to go and so many wonderful people to go with. My only regret is not having the time and moolah to actually travel with various people to different edges of the world. But we are young, we have opportunities aplenty, just don't pass them by. :) So explore the world with me.

Or we could just find a corner to hide and smile and listen to music. Just us.

This is just another WANT.

Perhaps it'll never become a need.

Until then, this is a dream of dreams.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Like a gust of wind, it came.

Funny how things happen. Somesoool showed a clip of a British comedy in class today. Hearing rapid British accent just made me nostalgic.

Here is what my heart misses.

Oh, Lancaster.