Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I woke up this morning and EVERYTHING FROZE UP OVERNIGHT.

Hahas. It was very cool. It looked like it had snowed, except everything was ice, rather then crumbly snow! It's been raining ice a lot this week but today was the top! Walking to class was an experience tho. Because everything was ice so everything was slippery! Heehees!

I'm gonna miss all these weather changes when I go back to Singapore. Just the other day I woke up to fog! You really couldn't see anything when you stretched out your hand.

I've begun to think of my room as home, I can't imagine going back to Singapore now! I miss Singapore I really do. But the emotional attachment to Lancaster is pretty strong too! SEP has been the greatest time and experience of my live, I've no regrets on this journey. My only wish is for the last stretch to stretch on forever. =)