Friday, November 28, 2008

I am feeling restless. Have been for the past few days. 

If I was in Singapore, I'll probably have forced MH to go romping around Singapore with me. Since I'm not, yesterday was spent romping around Lancaster town. It was raining again, as usual, nothing new. But there was some sunlight which is a good thing here. So I decided to go to town early and walk around by myself.

Walked up to Lancaster castle, the priory and Roman baths (which were decidedly unimpressive. it was pretty much a small pile of rock. =\). The weather was fine and there was hardly anybody and everything was just so British! Hahahas. It was nice to able to take a nice long walk by myself. And I also realised that Lancaster has a Tourist i building! I did not know Lancaster had one. XD

I love romping alone somewhere, only with my ipod and camera.

I can't wait to go to London and do some romping alone. =D

Sometimes, being by yourself is the best.