Hello folks!
Edinburgh was beautiful!!! It really is a lovely city and the Scottish people are superbly friendly! Right now I'm in Glasgow! Tmr, TK and I are going wandering! Yayness! =DDDDDD
The cold is getting to me though. Cold but not snow. Why?!?!?!
Of all God’s creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat. – Mark Twain
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
In exactly one week I am leaving Lancaster. Leaving my room, my home away from home. It's funny how attached one can get with just less then 3 months.
i'll miss the weather. The lack of need for aircon. I will not miss the rain. I will miss walking in boots. I will miss the adorable USFP Prof. I will miss the friend's I've made here. I will not miss Globalization and the messy Prof. I will miss having picnics at the InfoLab. I will miss the fish and chips even though LJS suits my tastebuds more. I will miss drinking hot chocolate at the Republic. I will miss, oddly enough SPAR and its cheap grapes. I will miss walking around town. I will miss the trips to other parts of UK. I will miss aimlessly walking around school, discovering each pretty tree after the next. I will miss seeing brown bunnies with tuffs of white tails hopping around. I will not miss the slamming of doors. I will not miss the weekly fire alarm testings on Mondays 1-3pm. I will miss my kitchen. I will miss waiting in the underpass for the bus. I might miss the library, with all its faults it is quite nice to study in. I will miss the weekly trips to Sainsburys. I will miss taking random photos as and when I want to. I will miss the Furness pub. I will miss my lovely porters.
I will miss.
=D I've really enjoyed my stay here. But another chapter of travelling awaits me. Then it's back to sunny Singapore where everything will feel like a dream. Everything will only exist in memories. =)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I woke up this morning and EVERYTHING FROZE UP OVERNIGHT.
Hahas. It was very cool. It looked like it had snowed, except everything was ice, rather then crumbly snow! It's been raining ice a lot this week but today was the top! Walking to class was an experience tho. Because everything was ice so everything was slippery! Heehees!
I'm gonna miss all these weather changes when I go back to Singapore. Just the other day I woke up to fog! You really couldn't see anything when you stretched out your hand.
I've begun to think of my room as home, I can't imagine going back to Singapore now! I miss Singapore I really do. But the emotional attachment to Lancaster is pretty strong too! SEP has been the greatest time and experience of my live, I've no regrets on this journey. My only wish is for the last stretch to stretch on forever. =)
Friday, November 28, 2008
I am feeling restless. Have been for the past few days.
If I was in Singapore, I'll probably have forced MH to go romping around Singapore with me. Since I'm not, yesterday was spent romping around Lancaster town. It was raining again, as usual, nothing new. But there was some sunlight which is a good thing here. So I decided to go to town early and walk around by myself.
Walked up to Lancaster castle, the priory and Roman baths (which were decidedly unimpressive. it was pretty much a small pile of rock. =\). The weather was fine and there was hardly anybody and everything was just so British! Hahahas. It was nice to able to take a nice long walk by myself. And I also realised that Lancaster has a Tourist i building! I did not know Lancaster had one. XD
I love romping alone somewhere, only with my ipod and camera.
I can't wait to go to London and do some romping alone. =D
Sometimes, being by yourself is the best.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Picture this. You are an undergraduate at Lancaster University. You have essays to write and presentations to do up. You are half hard working, therefore of the reading list provided, you only bother to look for the * ones. They amount to ten books. Which sounds daunting, but most are just a few chapters.
So one day you are feeling particularly hardworking and decide to enter the library and do some searching of books. It is very simple. As like NUS, there is an online cataloge.
Difference starts here. Firstly you can search for the author's name but you will never get the particular author you are searching for. For example, you look for Smith, your results will have one Smith and about ten George and Brown. Fine. Search by title. You type in "Globalization and Resistence" which is the exact title of the book. Your search result ends up as,
"10 results for Globalization"
"1 results for Resistence"
You click on Resistence and obviously the result isn't your book. Because for the word "resistence" to appear as in a book title, unlike what the Lancaster online cataloge might suggest, IS NOT THAT UNCOMMON.
Right. So after trying countless combinations and permutations of keywords, you finally find the book on the catalogue! Success! Even better news! The book is "On Shelf"! This is excellent news. You happily jot down the location and call number of the book and run off to find it!
Except the library's system of call numbers is BRILLIANT. QA-QB is NOT next to QBa-QC in fact QY-QYp is! When the shelf says "Journals" it actually contains oversized books! The journals are two shelves away under "Books"! And infact, QAxxx books are NOT shelved in the shelves marked QA-QB but are infact in the next shelf whish is happily marked as Y-YB!
Finally! After painstakingly searching the entire Q and Y section, you find the particular shelf with books of the call number you are looking for. And finally finally!!!
There are supposed to be 3 copies of it.
Other books with same/similar call number are shelved there.
Online catalogue says "on shelf"
Let me repeat,
By the way, the books with same/similar call numbers are useless to you, because they aren't of the same topic.
Repeat this process 10 times.
Treasure the NUS library system please.
Monday, November 17, 2008

But still from the outside was cool. And yes they were blasting Beatles' songs too. Hee.
Lovely picture with Maranda! It looks cold, but it wasn't so bad. Temperature warmed up a little over the week. But still as wet as ever.

This is their train station, BIG THINGS HAPPEN HERE. =D
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hello world.
No no, I'm not dead. Just busy. Busy going out. Busy doing work. And unfortunatly busy being ill.
Manchester pics are actually up in my picasa album already. So check them out there if you want to.
Wednesday was Bonfire Night. But since I was down with the flu all I really did was wrap myself in a blanket and slept away the next few days. =\ Friday night some folks came over and we cooked up a Singapore-Malaysian-Thai storm of food, of which I ate rice and egg and veges because everything else was curry based and I totally couldn't stomach them then. The I procceeded to sleep 16 blissful hours and woke up at 3pm today to eat and get ready to go out to town!
Fireworks at Lancaster Castle! It was near and beautiful and also really really wet. It is a surreal feeling watching fireworks in a crowd where everyone isn't sticky and sweaty, but bundled up and carrying umbrellas. For once I'm glad there was a crowd, blocked off most of the wind.
Anyways, British weather has officially taken down my umbrella as it's latest victim. Now none of us are going back to Singapore with the ones we brought!
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Now it is a club.
The British love their beer.

Next entry would be about Manchester! I already know a few people looking forward to pictures! Soon! When I get the rest from Tze Khee and Huay Wen! =D
Friday, October 31, 2008

And tonight was lovely! Got together with Tze Khee, Huey Wen and went to Jo's studio room to cook! Lovely! We cooked curry chicken, tom yum soup, chicken with spare ribs sauce and assorted fried vegetables! Lovely! For dessert we had Halloween cupcakes! Such fun! It really is more fun cooking with friend then eating by yourself in the room. Also the heater in Jo's room works overtime and it is simply excellent to be in her room now that the temperature has dropped to the low single digits!

And because we love Huey Wen
Have moved on to another picasa account! Excitings!
What an eventful week. And what an eventful weekend to come! =DDDD
Neeways, last Sat I braved the terrible Lancashire weather with Tze Khee on a day trip to Blackburn! Hahahas. It's a small little town with nothing much, but luckily we went on one of the days the market was open! Had a fun time there walking around and buying random stuff to eat. XD It's was nice cause it was just the two of us likeminded people walking aimlessly.
Oh, unlike London and Lancaster, there are little to even no Chinese in Blackburn. So it was pretty funny when two young girls walked passed us saying in loud high pitched voices "LOOOOK CHINESEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" Hahahaas. That was amusing.
And....Uncle Bing may have already seen the photos, but I'm gonna post some up anyway. We braved the cold, rain and wind for 40mins just to get to the stadium!


And because we love Huey Wen

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