Of all God’s creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat. – Mark Twain
Thursday, December 27, 2007
There is no point in mopping. I'm just wasting my holidays here. I shall just take this as a motivation to work hard and fully enjoy what I'm studying next sem.
I don't think I can ever hit a cap of 4.0 now, so it kind of brings down the expectation and stress level. I will do what I enjoy and actually enjoy it. :D
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Am in Malaysia right now. The hotel I'm staying has free internet service! Now I totally regret not bringing my laptop. I miss my laptop very much right now. Bought a few stuff, but nothing Christmasy. KL is too expensive and Melaka...is mainly for pirate CDs. Hahs. Oh mh, if you're reading this, I bought Ayumi's black and white best DVD!!! Hahahahas! We will have a field day watching it!
Kind of wish this holiday will never end becuase going back may mean Christmas, but it also means getting results back. I'm still suffering from conflicting feelings. =/
Saturday, December 22, 2007

I was looking through my Japan pics and cringing really hard because my shaky hands means many blurry pictures...even my DisneyLand ones. FAIL EVELYN. But anyway I chanced upon this picture of Gacha machines. It's like my fave picture out of the 2532435pics I took in Japan. The weird thing is, I took this in a fleeting momment. We were at Osaka Castle eating over-priced Takoballs and basically just enjoying the weather and the sight of the Castle. There was a row of shops and right outside was this row of Gacha machines. Without thinking I was just snapping around and then we had to leave. The cool thing is, although I didn't give much thought into snapping this pic, it came out really well, not shaky and filled with brilliant colors. I like it so much that it's my wallpaper right now and in fact, I feel like printing it out and framing it up BECAUSE I LOVE IT THIS MUCH.
Arrgh. This really makes me miss Japan. I want to go back! But not on a tour. I want to wander about the place by myself. Anyways, if I count correctly, I may just get to minor in JS which is a total plus. On the other hand, I am having strong conflicting feelings about getting the results for the past sem mods. I want them, yet I have this sinking feeling I will be crying when I get them. D: Rawr.
*Looks at clock* Baaaah. Have to be up in another two and half hours to go to MY. The parents like to start early. Go figure. Might not sleep at all so I can sleep on the car all the way there. I will bring a pillow! Fantabulous idea!
Goodbye Folks.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
1. I am ill once again ladies and gentlemen. This is not good. I keep falling ill this year. D:
2. Which meant cancelling all plans and staying in bed. Sniff.
3. I reformatted my laptop! Finally! I can listen to songs and watch vids till my eyes burn! Only drawback is I backed everything up except for my Favourite list. Have lost all blog sites. Won't be blog surfing for a while now...
4. I should just do my Xmas shopping in MY.
5. Friday date with green folks!
6. MY will be shopping and making full use of all the free things they give us.
7. Dad bought a new TV. Way bigger than our previous so it takes some getting used to. O_o
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I have. It seems I have assorted plans everyday. I haven't actually have had a day to be lazy and wake at 2pm. This holidays seem to be really busy, but I love meeting up with old friends and spending money on stuff that actually makes me happy.
Highlight of the week would have to be todays...or rather yesterday's BBQ at Bryan's place. Primary school gathering. I'm still amazed that the bunch of us still bother to take the trouble and meet up after all these years. For other class gatherings and meet-ups, just getting people to turn up is a chore. Granted every year it's just Si Ying, Juan, me and a whole bunch of the guys, but still, much fun. The plan was Cashew Heights but it poured like crazy so we went off to Bryan's place...directly opposite. Hahs. I drove across four lanes horizontally. I get amusement easily.
Some of us never change, some of us change so much yet still retain that quality from long ago. Just a few years back we were still chasing and teasing each other round and round. Today the teasing hasn't stopped but the chatter has turned to more serious stuff (although gossip still reigns!) and the guys have many army/navy/police/etc stories to tell. There was this half hour where we kept talking about....how they had to deal with dead bodies. -_-
As usual there was too much food, as usual the idea was to throw everything away. But me and Juan naaaaagged so they kept some. It was much more fun than expected, but I guess we had plenty to catch up on seeing as we missed two years. I might have hated primary school back then, but I'm glad I made these friends. =)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
2. When I say flatties, there should be no arguement.
3. XJ will forever and ever and ever be late.
4. I need a job.
5. Doesn't mean I might actually get one.
6. Haji Lane was fun!
7. I still need to clean my room.
8. I want to go Japan.
9. Nothing beats cheap and suprisingly good food people.
10. HELEN. When will you date me? We live close now.
11. I want a polaroid camera. This is top on my christmas list.
12. Food Hunters UNITE :D
13. is not a unlucky number!
14. XH and the BKK people are back. Yahoo~
Be a good cat.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
1. Exams are over! It hasn't really hit yet but it will after I spent too much quality time with my laptop.
2. Happy Birthday Doris!!! Wear the green dress often!
3. XH is off to Japan. I am wishing to be in the lugage
4. I hate driving. There is no point in offering a car with a full tank and free cash card. I will not appreciate it and will slam my room door in your face. Especially if you wake me up halfway through a nap.
5. I hate driving.
6. Christmas is in the air! I can feel it in my bones.
7. I need to clean my room.
8. I will now proceed to spend quality time with my baby, hard drive.