i am beat. like physically and mentally. i should be like doing synapse now. all the Ca ions and Na ions. blah blah blah. i shall take some coffee and do it later. i need to stone and do mindless stuff like blogging.
meeh. poor elaine has been getting the blunt of my increased whinnings and fiascos as the A's loom nearer. i've been whinning to her every night. hahas. poor kid. and when we study together i end up anooying her by doing stupid stuff. you're a dear kid, thanks.
used mah dad's phone to msg may. the girl stop replying halfway. i know it's midnight girl, but i immensly dislike being left hanging. when you come back you are so dead kid. and why post pics of where you're staying? definitly more interested in the poeple you've been hanging with, hahs.
urgh. i'm ready for A's to be over. i want to go out and play. go take the dumb hippo bus yijia insists on taking. go to the zoo with amys serene and xz and eat ben&jerrys as we watch polar bears swim(weee). go hang out with elaine and fidz. go have an OG outing. go do stuff.
just get my life back. is that too much to ask?
i realised when complaining to elaine about (suprisingly)non-A's stuff, that i have alot of pet peeves. and the kid keeps emphasizing that i'm morbid. let's not forget even ms peh thinks i'm cynical. hahs. there is no hope for me.
i shall now go scan stuff for yy before she starts bugging me again