Monday, October 17, 2005

service and me.
i expect the best. especially if it's in holland V.
i know. everyone is human. everyone makes mistakes. but bad service continuously just screams laziness and plain bad manners. i'm a bitch and VERY picky when it comes to service. it better be prompt and good. for heaven,god allah, whoever is out there, even just BASIC POLITENESS would be good. you fucking chose to work in the fucking service industry. fucking do your best and not grumble about your life. is it hard to give a smile? you're a fucking waiter, your pay may be low but you're just expected to smile, be polite and bitch behind my back. infront of me, nono. behind? who fucking cares?
take for example, NYDC holland village. the service is sooooooooo bad. i know we may have arrived early, but if the opening time is 1130, you better be damn ready to serve customers and not be too busy to NOT EVEN BE ABLE TO GIVE US THE MENU AND POUR SOME FUCKING WATER!
ahem. now that ive got that out of my system, i must say that it doesn't mean you can't find good service. like this lady in coffee club. all smiles and always ready with a pitcher to fill up our glasses of water and the other tables.(unlike nydc where i gotta ask for it when we're the ONLY customers) i mean, coffee club service is really good! like some jap resturant, they bid us farewell at the door, abit over-enthuly, but it felt damn nice. hahs. nydc and coffee club are both sort of high-end, so the expected service is of course above average. PLUS, both are situated at holland village where there's plenty of expats. do we really want foreigners to bring home to their countries horror stories of bad service here?
a good salesperson is one whom keeps a smile even when the customer asks to try 20 different pairs of shoes and buys nothing, one who treats all customers with respect and not look down at those whom aren't dressed smartly. it may be a tall order, but if singapore wants her service industry to flourish, something better be done. the influx of recent 'investigations' by journalist should be some form of wake up call no?
i may be one of those bitchy demanding and snobby customers, but you gotta serve me with a smile and make me feel like a queen till i'm out of the shop. then you can throw daggers at my photo or curse me to some grosteque death. if i worked in the service industry, that's how i'll be.