Monday, October 31, 2005

jf is so cute. as in cute cute. hahas. i smsed him and left mah phone in the room. couple of hours later i went to see my phone and saw a couple of smes from him. hahas. he thought i was angry at his late reply and was trying to pacify me.
supposed to feel guilt now. wahahahahs.
so i'm feeling much better. ended up not going for the blood test cause i wasn't running a temp, so dengue ruled itself out. just plain old stomach flu. i can't waaaaaaaaaaaait for A's to be over. like really. i'm sooooo not ready, but soooo want it to be over.
okay enough whinning. i just realised all i've been doing is whine about the A's. hrrmfp. i shall face it positively! i shall go forward in full force! woohooo!!
i think i'm high on.......chocs coffee anythingishouldn'tbehavingwhileill medication?
i hope people did well today!!! cause those taking chinese A (sicksicksickpeople) just finished the whole of chinese A. whew. talk about stress. that's only gonna happen for me for gp. and since bio's so spread out....i intend to do like pretty good for bio. i MUST!!! i CAN!!!
dee dum
i had a dream about being a killer the other day. i was running ard a stadium with some other comic-looking charators just killing people. only i was in this building that overlooked the those box seats(eh...the place you sit high up with dudes in suits and aircon and people eating fish eggs. wee.). i woke up when i decided to kill me 'master' because she.......did..something..can't anyway, i slit her throat but she didn't die o_O and instead started shooting pointy stuff at me. i was hiding behind a couch...and i woke up. amzing thing is when i went back to sleep i was in the SAME stadium only i was playing soccer and it was night and i was like the eccentric star player. i had just scored a goal i think when this phatom army of girl guides appeared. and it was HUGE. anyway i started commanding it and marched the whole contigent down the track(where did thAT come from?) down all the way to a hockey field which was next door. right. then i suddenly commanded them to stop. some hockey chick started talking to me and lifted the goal net to let me pass through...i did, passed under a few more telephone wires and there my phantom unit was again waiting for me on some open land. then i woke up.
talk about bizzare.