I did it! I traveled only to places I've never been to before for 2013. (we must exclude Malaysia cause I go there on a yearly basis)
Seoul Mar 2013
Hong Kong Jun 2013
Nanjing/Shanghai Dec 2013
Lovely, all three trips were super awesome, eye opening and fantastic experiences. Also I went each with lovely people. Have two trips planned for next year already. Life is good. Heh.
Work wise there was the HTPC which I was the main staffer to organise. Honestly not something I would like to repeat. But once again, truly a learning experience where I was able to be at different points of view and understand different perspective. I don't regret it, but I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
Next year I will be TWENTYSEVEN. omg. So old. Hahaha. But then I'm starting to believe life only happens when you're 30. Financially stable, emotionally...mature enough yet still damaged. Lol.
2014 will be the year of marriages. Unfortunately not mine. Already I have 7 weddings to attend next year. And all are of really good friends. The kind where I cannot miss. SEVEN. But I'm truly happy to attend these.
This year I attended too many funerals, while it's part and parcel of life and growing up, I look at my own parents are really hope they live a long and good life. As I look at Popo, she is showing signs of dementia, I think of how little I have done for her. So while she is alive, I must take the chance to do all that I can.
Thank you 2013, it's been good, may 2014 be just as kind.