Why are we so afraid of it? If things are wrong why dont we correct it?
I understand, the comfort zone is such a big thing in everybody's life. But I cannot stand that everyone knows something isn't going to work, hasn't been working, can no longer work and they don't do amything about it!!! Why? So we are safe? In the long run who suffers? Everyone! Who benefits? No one! How is this not clear to so many of you who have experienced so much with your life's?
Have you not learn? The ostrich will never solve anything! If things are not going well you damn well do something about it.
There is always a time and place to whine and grumble and complain. But if the issue has a time constraint do really think looking for the person to blame should be your number one priority? How about fixing the problem first? And if there's someone to blame it will never be just one person. How about the supervisor? The supervisor? The auditor? The partners? No one saw trouble coming? Then either everyone else is equally stupid or just did not bother. That itself should be faulted as well.
I'm not going to take this lying down. It's ridiculous and so porposturous that it's still happening now. Super irritated.
Change people, or you will never know and you will never be sadder. But never happier as well.
"we are not fairies"