- I guess I'm lucky enough that I really only have one hell week this final semester.
- Already began on Sat, with the terrible flu. Left with only the running nose to deal with.
- First job interview was a panel interview. COMPLETELY unprepared, but it could have been worse. I think. oh whatever, at least I won't be as nervous at other interviews.
- At least I got to meet up with XH for an awesome lunch!
- ESSAYS. Deadlines hanging over my head.
- Can't wait for week13, more plans to hang out rather than study.
- Exams are the last thing on my mind right now. Funny.
- Japan trip shaping up! EXCITINGS
- Using the iPhone. Not as user friendly as everyone things. Kept pressing the wrong keys.
- But am now super connected in terms of tweet tweet and fb. LOL. Ms Chan and I, we be super fast in replying.
- Seeing Hock's europe photos on fb makes me miss europe so so so much.
- It's not just the sights and sounds, but the travelling and the journey. So much to see and learn.
Of all God’s creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat. – Mark Twain