Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Would you like a gargantuan meatball?

Watched "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" with C and ML today. Hohoho. It was a last minute decision between C and I and we decided to bully ML into watching it with us. =DDD T'was not bad! Many bad puns, but it became characteristic of the show. However I am now much terrified of roasted chicken and gummy bears.

It's confirmed! I'm going to Melbourne AGAIN this December. With the family this time. We'll probably do the Great Ocean Road and Morrington area so I am still pretty excited! =D Road trips are always fun and the GOR is really very beautiful. Holidays with the parents also means I can relax and not think about budgets or schedules. Less freedom, but less worries. Give and take people!

EGAD! I slammed the sliding toilet door on my left thumb nail. So now it's cracked. I'm wondering if I should wipe off all my BRIGHT PINK nail polish, cut my nails short and colour them black/matte blue. But I just got my manicure exactly a week ago. And I actually like the pink. DDDD= My nails are strong, but kind of brittle. meh.