Monday, February 16, 2009


Right. So my family has always loved this one Japanese snack THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS SEEM TO HAVE HEARD OF.

We first tasted it vvvvv many years ago when my Dad got sent on a business trip to Japan, he came back with a Japanese doll for me and Japanese snacks X10000. Hehs. Anyway, we all fell in love with one snack! It's sweet and yellow and in a vvvv cute shape of a chick. I swear, it's one of the best snacks you'll ever taste!

Anyways, when I finally got to eat it again, it was when I went to Japan two years back. Bought like two boxes for the family. It was bliss! 

Hahs. But the thing is, we don't speak Japanese and so we never really knew what it was called. So everytime I mentioned it to someone who just came back from Japan, I was hoping they could tell me, esp Jasmine, since she speaks Japanese and all that. BUT NOBODY KNEW.

NVM. I finally found what it's called on the net. Hiyoko-chan! 
 Super cute right? Heehee.