Tadaaa! A proper entry! A full week in Lancaster! I can't believe I finally have somewhere to go home to. To go back to, to relax and have my own privacy!
I have been terribly busy settling down in Lancaster! There are many many things to do. Important things like modules and finding where my classes will be held. Doing grocery shopping, buying REALLY REALLY EXPENSIVE toilet paper. D=
Also less important, but infinitely more fun things like exploring my uni, walking around town, shopping! Making new friends and going for lame college events. And DRINKING.
This is why I have this humongous back log of photos in my hard drive which I have to get around uploading. And I will! It's just that having a clear day in Lancaster is so rare that when there is one, you do not want to be in your room in front off your computer! You'll want to catch the sun for as long as possible. And even if there's no sun, you'll want to hit town in the rain and wind, because there are shops to see and quaint little houses to discover!
I cooked rice for dinner today. *feels warm and fuzzy* It's been too long since I had rice! =D