Of all God’s creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat. – Mark Twain
Friday, December 29, 2006
it was a terrible C and pulled my cap down like an anchor. but still, i didn't fail, so i'm pretty happy already. hehs.
anyways, i went to the block party of KR hall B block cause the block head invited me and it was a juan's house. appearantly i was gonna stay in the room beside juan. it was kinda weird and akward but i slowly played games and joined in and stuff. so everything was cool.
until the next day, the block head called to apologize cause the KR admin screwed up and had given my place to another Evelyn. i was pretty bummed out and pissed, but the block head was apologizing and he was really nice about it. in fact he's helping me confirm a place. but i'm on the waiting list now and even if i get a place it may not be a B block, which sucks bad because me and juan were pretty hyped up about staying next to each other again. arrrgh.
tanning with jia and jun yesterday just turned into a pigging out session at jia's house. hahaas. me and jia were at the mrt station waiting for the jun (who had once again overslept), the sky was grey and both of us were not awake. so while we randomly talked about stuff "wanna go my house?" popped up which was responded by an "OK" immediatly. hehs. we are such losers. spent the day at her house cursing and gripping about CORS since it was down the whole time i was there. we watched Itazura Na Kiss, it is soooo much more enjoyable then the draggy taiwan version. instead of ordering food, we ended up cooking asorted dishes in her kitchen which was great fun since jia had a hard time locating all her kitchen whares. hahahahas.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

PURPLE DOGGIE. okay so we teased him back in secondary school when his redcross juniors gave it to him. but seriously, the thing is so hugable. the entire time we were in his room, it was always being hugged by someone. XD
see how big it is against may??? how can you not want to hug it????
HAHAHAHAS. stuff toys galore in his room. this is just cute lah.
heehee. it used to be white. XZ WASH IT!! may thought is was originally GREY.
see??? being hugged. and may is just half wasted there.
OMG XZ SHOULD JUST FORGET ABOUT STUDYING AND SET UP A BAKERY. THE CAKE WAS SO DAMN GOOD. seriously, now i know that homemade cheese cake can taste this good, there is no way in hell i can enjoy a 5-6bucks cheesecake from coffeebean or starbucks or any cafe. seriously, xz's cake topped them all. sheesh, xz!!! your cake has officially made it impossible to enjoy commercial cheesecakes anymore =S
Monday, December 25, 2006
drank wine there. pathetic amount, so no biggie.
but i came home, the parents out. the bro + gf + a couple of friends around. this lethal combination has effectively led us to consume 'holiday-only' amounts of alcohol.
i am amazed i can still type. oh well.
i need to plan mah timetable tonight.
i probably should do it tmr morning.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
You scored as Japanese.
What will you be after reborn? (translation) created with QuizFarm.com |
whaaaaaaaaaa?? hahahahahas.
i swear, my position had bad fengshui. me and zeren(sat beside me) kept losing lahs. we like take turns to lose can?!?!?! OMG bad fengshui baaaaaad fengshui. we ended up having to eat damn a lot can. but kinda got smart later on and teamed up to help each other. meeeeeeeeeh.
ooh, doris was a dear, she wrote me two cards and gave me a notebook with cars on the cover. the sweetie pie.
it kinda made me feel guilty. cause i'm not the birthday-remembering-present-giving kind of person.
i do like to recieve presents (i mean who doesn't) but......i'm just not that sweet thoughtful kind of person. i mean, yah i buy, fret about, make the effort to get awesome gifts for my friends. but...
argh. i guess only a couple of people know what i'm talking about now.
anyways, my family is kinda pushing me to drive them around in my dad's car, to which i replied "cannot. too many people will die. when it's just me and the dad/brother it's just the 2 of us. maybe then i'll drive" i am an all out whimp. the dad's car is big. i call it the hippo car. I AM TERRIFIED OF DRIVING IT.
until then.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
i passed.
whew. hahahas, i never want to step into BBDC ever again. period.
anyway it was like the rain stopped for me!! hahahas. but seriously i love the rain. it's very condusive...for doing stuff like....sleeping.
i like sleeping.
oooh. i haven't bought the xmas presents. and i'm flat broke.
it's like i swear, those people at BBDC are all trying to suck as much money as possible from you. even the damn tp!!! fifty bucks for the liscence. urgh. i had to top up 10dollars cash because my netts had like 40bucks. urgh.
Monday, December 18, 2006
went to town
with yeo xz and may.
ate a loooooong lunch.
saw many peoeple.
people from FASS.
people from NY (like yy. we breezed past each other like stars. hahs.)
people from (OMG) BPPS. weird.
laughed alot.
because may is a retard, but yeo is a bigger retard. XD
gossiped. a lot. gossiping is fun.
walked a lot.
now my feet hurt. o.o
and i am sleepy.
and i am meeting jia and jun at 9am tmr.
wondering if jun can wake up.
we are going to sentosa.
we are going to the beach to snooze and stuff.
hope it doesn't rain.
if it does....we can still hang out and do nothing.
it's not like it's hard or anything.
i bought a cd on friday. i love it much.
did i mention some people are annoying?
Saturday, December 9, 2006
no i am not dead.
just that right now i wanna slack and sleep as much as possible. so i've been putting off contacting people to arrange meeting times and gatherings and stuff. hahs. i just wanna rot the weekend away. i haven't been checking my emails or signing into msn. too much trouble. i love hibernating in my room, for it is cosy and my laptop loves me.
right. anyways i am not dead.
random pictures.
HAHAHAHAS this is me huiqi and wenting. xtin was hiding from the cold. XD anyways wenting looks adorable here. how can i keep it to myself? hahahas.
this is helen and me. hahs. helen is a sweetie pie and acted as 'mary' in our play. we had lots of fun being bimbos. whee.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A GIANT NESCAFE!!!!!
BEWARE THE ATTACK OF THE GIANT NESCAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS GONNA EAT UP MH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahahahahahahahas. i am so not looking at the camera. anyways we were like sec1? those days were pretty fun. XD
Sunday, December 3, 2006
and i'm freaking terrified of TS1101E paper because i went to see the past year paper and all i really wanted to do was go hang myself or smth. that bad. only worse.
aaaanyways. went to sentosa for dinner yesterday. warren had their annual swim camp and i went only for the dinner. HAHAHAS. but seriously i'm damn old there lah. all the kids now...even the 'tweens' or new teens i don't know them and they don't know me. i'm just this 'senior' from some old history that is WGC swim team, and the coaches knew me from young.
but still it was awesome meeting steph, pearlyn and charmaine..and the others. hahahas. the four of us had a sort of reunion dinner(the dinner was steamboat). hang out talked crapped. grumbled to steph. got my ears blasted by seating in the middle of pearlyn and steph. teased charmaine. and had an old round good time.
i guess i'm pretty lucky. i have many friends which are those whom i can meet only once a year ad still we click. we've changed, moved on and hopefully matured. but still, we chat like we've been in constant contact. it's pretty darn awesome.
alright i better get back to mugging. two more to go. and then the driving test. bleeeeeah. >_<
oh and since i sprayed insect repelant on my legs, the freaking mozzies are desprete enough to start attacking my hands. not much blood there. meeh.