today, i went to nusfass's open house with menghui today, which in itself was really nice because it was a change from the usual rush and boredrom sats hold for me with 3 tuition jobs. what i didn't expect however was to be so inspired and impressed by nus.
nus was always my dream school, right from when i was a kid, nus was the option. it was the only option. it symbolised success and always seemed to hold delightful secrets, like forbidden fruits which would become open to me when i got there.
so it was really weird for me to not to feel any sense of excitment after i got over the initial relief of getting posted to nusfass. i guess it's because i really love bio. and honestly, had i gotten better results i would have put nusscience as my top choice. so yes, nusfass is a dumping ground which i sent myself to with in truth only one real reason; just to get into nus.
which was why after i got my acceptance letter, i repeatedly questioned myself, was political science what i really want? admittedly i have a higher than average interest in the subject than most of my peers, however to people really passionate about it...i lagged far behind. and the added regret which was backed by the small voice in my head saying, "put nusscience first and you would have got in" made me so regretful about my choices that university lost all it's excitment for me.
today changed all that.
i went for the political science talk. it was an informal half hour thing held in a thearterette. i went in expecting the usual slideshow presentation of what ps is and why we should study ps. i was so wrong. the proffessor stood there, with only the ps logo on the screen and proceeded to give an interesting and engaging talk about what studying politics was. it was such an experience. to sit there with peers who had the same interest in politics and who actually laughed at the underlying and subtle jokes the proffessor made during his talk. you have no idea how exasperating to snicker at a joke and have everyone else just stare in stony silence.
the proffessor's talk inspired me. after just that half hour i knew i wanted to do political science. it seems almost perfect for me. admittdely, socialogy piqued my interest with it's module on religion and power, but with my kind of morals....i probably would even go against deviants. and socialogy is about decronstructing. i love my world as it is. ps compliments the cynic in me perfectly. =)
later, i attended a meeting with socialogy alummni with mh cause she wanted to know more about the jobs offered. this talk changed my outlook on nusfass completely. the people in there hold this 'general degree' (which generally doesn't sound as good as a specific degree) but are so successful in their lives. they made me relook, this 'general' term. is it really bad? it really just means that whatever we learn and whatever skills we aquire in nusfass can be applied to anything at all. it means, the number of jobs which are open or even halfopen to me are so much more compared to others.
this talk made me think that although nusfass is the dumping ground, it's also the place i can do anything i want. it doesn't restict me, infact it broadens my horizons. it allows me flexibility no where else could.
if nothing else, it brought the long overdue excitment of studying in nus come.
i'm going to nusfass folks, and it'll be great.=)