jia's at her 100th entry. i'm better this is my 111th entry. hehs.
right, i'm pretty bushed. still suffering aches from having to stand up all the time yesterday.
cause it was the annual WGC swim meet 2006 yesterday. as per normal i went back to help...actually the only reason i'm willing to wake up at 530 in the morning to go there is to meet livelong friends i see only once a year. (AND STUPID STEPHANIE!!! YOU STOOD ME UP!!!!!!!!!) but yesterday was the worst, it was raining so much that the meet had to be delayed time and time again. AND i was the timekeeper of lane 4. which being the middle lane, is the busiest lane of all!!!! and all the officials and pretentious committee members(who probably don't know how to swim for nuts and still wanna actually TEACH me, who started swimming at 5, how to use a damn stopwatch!!) were hovering around me, so i didn't even have a place to sit in between events. urgh.
i blame this on uncle thomas who paired me up with his brother for THE BUSIEST LANE. the cool thing was, lane 4 is where they put the hot favourites. so i could easily tracked the timings of our best swimmers. the girls are not bad, but our top swimmer could do better. the guys are pretty good (although their egos leave much to be desired).
but the best thing of yesterday of course, was meeting up with old friends and reminiscing about how the warren swim team used to be. hahs. how we used to train and how during competitions we were beaten flat out, cause our junoir teams were half the height of others. XD it was great fun. if all goes well, i may go back to help out with this year's swim camp. but we'll see, by then school would have started. (yay! yay!)
tmr, if jia doesn't decide to bail us out on the last minute, me, jun and her will be trotting down to sentosa to tan, slack and stare at cute guys. XD
Of all God’s creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat. – Mark Twain
Monday, May 29, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
dear yijia, your link to junjun's blog is wrong... -_- you guys are hopeless. seriously, what will you two do without me. hehs.
today was very fun. me and mh went to jec to take the instant photos for our matric card. she was helping me put on make up to cover up my ugly zits. so it was kinda suspicious with two of us squeezing into that tiny box. i hope nobody thought we were making out...or more. x) hehs. but the pics were pretty. and glossy. and so much fun to take! so much so, that after we took our photos, we took one together making silly faces. yes, two of us squeezed into the booth and took a black and white photo!!! hahahas!! it was great!!! better than neoprints!!! and it looked really nice! =)
today was very fun. me and mh went to jec to take the instant photos for our matric card. she was helping me put on make up to cover up my ugly zits. so it was kinda suspicious with two of us squeezing into that tiny box. i hope nobody thought we were making out...or more. x) hehs. but the pics were pretty. and glossy. and so much fun to take! so much so, that after we took our photos, we took one together making silly faces. yes, two of us squeezed into the booth and took a black and white photo!!! hahahas!! it was great!!! better than neoprints!!! and it looked really nice! =)

Friday, May 26, 2006
oooh, three days of fun. i get to meet up with yx since god knows when, the super busy mh AND finally have the evil tea party with jia and jun. awesome.
meeting up with yx was nerve-wrecking. cause we haven't met up since exactly one year ago on her birthday. so i was pretty afraid it would have been all awkward and strange. but nope, it was cool. we chatted non-stop, giggled over pretty boys and shared universal disgust of certain paramecium. ahh, the joys of being a girl. had a dinner of rotiprata and a lovely dessert at this uber hiddened quaint ice cream shop. =)
next day was a dinner date with mh. managed to get very very excited about uni stuff. hahs. she was carrying the free socialogy water bottle x). shopped around jp, meaning after getting tons of assesment books for my tutees( fear me. ) we headed down to watsons to wander and get hounded by aunties trying to sell skincare products. finally we took the mandatory romp around liberty. i swear, i always go there since jp is..boring, even liberty is loosing it's charm of weird imported stuff.
today, i spent the late morning and afternoon crashing jia's house with jun. much fun. we watched scary movie 4 which is so damn lame. i mean it. it's dumb, slapstick and very laughable. go enjoy it. then we taught basic html to a clueless jun. which was fun, because we get to tease jun for not knowing how html works at all. x) then we sat on jia's bed and gossiped and giggled like fourteen year old teenagers do, only we're 19ish. hahs. made plans to go around singapore before jia flies of to japan.
for once, i actually like being me now.
and how much love do i have for nickelback's far away? plenty. listen to it.
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore
One my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know
I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving
Hold on to me and, never let me go
meeting up with yx was nerve-wrecking. cause we haven't met up since exactly one year ago on her birthday. so i was pretty afraid it would have been all awkward and strange. but nope, it was cool. we chatted non-stop, giggled over pretty boys and shared universal disgust of certain paramecium. ahh, the joys of being a girl. had a dinner of rotiprata and a lovely dessert at this uber hiddened quaint ice cream shop. =)
next day was a dinner date with mh. managed to get very very excited about uni stuff. hahs. she was carrying the free socialogy water bottle x). shopped around jp, meaning after getting tons of assesment books for my tutees( fear me. ) we headed down to watsons to wander and get hounded by aunties trying to sell skincare products. finally we took the mandatory romp around liberty. i swear, i always go there since jp is..boring, even liberty is loosing it's charm of weird imported stuff.
today, i spent the late morning and afternoon crashing jia's house with jun. much fun. we watched scary movie 4 which is so damn lame. i mean it. it's dumb, slapstick and very laughable. go enjoy it. then we taught basic html to a clueless jun. which was fun, because we get to tease jun for not knowing how html works at all. x) then we sat on jia's bed and gossiped and giggled like fourteen year old teenagers do, only we're 19ish. hahs. made plans to go around singapore before jia flies of to japan.
for once, i actually like being me now.
and how much love do i have for nickelback's far away? plenty. listen to it.
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore
One my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know
I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Monday, May 22, 2006
today was interesting. and really long. cause i went to ikea to get a present and since it's not exactly acessable and i have developed this rare condition where the mrt freaks me.
i had to take lots of loooong bus rides. which i like. cause i kind of like sitting from interchange to interchange(meaning if i fall asleep, i'll never miss my stop (x ).
and ikea's a lovely place to just wander around. with my trusty mp3 i walked the whole of ikea looking at stuff. aimless wandering. it really is pretty cool. you walk wherever you want to, you eat whatever lunch (hotdog & drink for $1.50), and just do whatever you want to. i don't even feel selfconcious cause there's not much people around. hehs. lovely.
i really should do more of this aimless wandering.
i had to take lots of loooong bus rides. which i like. cause i kind of like sitting from interchange to interchange(meaning if i fall asleep, i'll never miss my stop (x ).
and ikea's a lovely place to just wander around. with my trusty mp3 i walked the whole of ikea looking at stuff. aimless wandering. it really is pretty cool. you walk wherever you want to, you eat whatever lunch (hotdog & drink for $1.50), and just do whatever you want to. i don't even feel selfconcious cause there's not much people around. hehs. lovely.
i really should do more of this aimless wandering.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
today, i went to nusfass's open house with menghui today, which in itself was really nice because it was a change from the usual rush and boredrom sats hold for me with 3 tuition jobs. what i didn't expect however was to be so inspired and impressed by nus.
nus was always my dream school, right from when i was a kid, nus was the option. it was the only option. it symbolised success and always seemed to hold delightful secrets, like forbidden fruits which would become open to me when i got there.
so it was really weird for me to not to feel any sense of excitment after i got over the initial relief of getting posted to nusfass. i guess it's because i really love bio. and honestly, had i gotten better results i would have put nusscience as my top choice. so yes, nusfass is a dumping ground which i sent myself to with in truth only one real reason; just to get into nus.
which was why after i got my acceptance letter, i repeatedly questioned myself, was political science what i really want? admittedly i have a higher than average interest in the subject than most of my peers, however to people really passionate about it...i lagged far behind. and the added regret which was backed by the small voice in my head saying, "put nusscience first and you would have got in" made me so regretful about my choices that university lost all it's excitment for me.
today changed all that.
i went for the political science talk. it was an informal half hour thing held in a thearterette. i went in expecting the usual slideshow presentation of what ps is and why we should study ps. i was so wrong. the proffessor stood there, with only the ps logo on the screen and proceeded to give an interesting and engaging talk about what studying politics was. it was such an experience. to sit there with peers who had the same interest in politics and who actually laughed at the underlying and subtle jokes the proffessor made during his talk. you have no idea how exasperating to snicker at a joke and have everyone else just stare in stony silence.
the proffessor's talk inspired me. after just that half hour i knew i wanted to do political science. it seems almost perfect for me. admittdely, socialogy piqued my interest with it's module on religion and power, but with my kind of morals....i probably would even go against deviants. and socialogy is about decronstructing. i love my world as it is. ps compliments the cynic in me perfectly. =)
later, i attended a meeting with socialogy alummni with mh cause she wanted to know more about the jobs offered. this talk changed my outlook on nusfass completely. the people in there hold this 'general degree' (which generally doesn't sound as good as a specific degree) but are so successful in their lives. they made me relook, this 'general' term. is it really bad? it really just means that whatever we learn and whatever skills we aquire in nusfass can be applied to anything at all. it means, the number of jobs which are open or even halfopen to me are so much more compared to others.
this talk made me think that although nusfass is the dumping ground, it's also the place i can do anything i want. it doesn't restict me, infact it broadens my horizons. it allows me flexibility no where else could.
if nothing else, it brought the long overdue excitment of studying in nus come.
i'm going to nusfass folks, and it'll be great.=)
nus was always my dream school, right from when i was a kid, nus was the option. it was the only option. it symbolised success and always seemed to hold delightful secrets, like forbidden fruits which would become open to me when i got there.
so it was really weird for me to not to feel any sense of excitment after i got over the initial relief of getting posted to nusfass. i guess it's because i really love bio. and honestly, had i gotten better results i would have put nusscience as my top choice. so yes, nusfass is a dumping ground which i sent myself to with in truth only one real reason; just to get into nus.
which was why after i got my acceptance letter, i repeatedly questioned myself, was political science what i really want? admittedly i have a higher than average interest in the subject than most of my peers, however to people really passionate about it...i lagged far behind. and the added regret which was backed by the small voice in my head saying, "put nusscience first and you would have got in" made me so regretful about my choices that university lost all it's excitment for me.
today changed all that.
i went for the political science talk. it was an informal half hour thing held in a thearterette. i went in expecting the usual slideshow presentation of what ps is and why we should study ps. i was so wrong. the proffessor stood there, with only the ps logo on the screen and proceeded to give an interesting and engaging talk about what studying politics was. it was such an experience. to sit there with peers who had the same interest in politics and who actually laughed at the underlying and subtle jokes the proffessor made during his talk. you have no idea how exasperating to snicker at a joke and have everyone else just stare in stony silence.
the proffessor's talk inspired me. after just that half hour i knew i wanted to do political science. it seems almost perfect for me. admittdely, socialogy piqued my interest with it's module on religion and power, but with my kind of morals....i probably would even go against deviants. and socialogy is about decronstructing. i love my world as it is. ps compliments the cynic in me perfectly. =)
later, i attended a meeting with socialogy alummni with mh cause she wanted to know more about the jobs offered. this talk changed my outlook on nusfass completely. the people in there hold this 'general degree' (which generally doesn't sound as good as a specific degree) but are so successful in their lives. they made me relook, this 'general' term. is it really bad? it really just means that whatever we learn and whatever skills we aquire in nusfass can be applied to anything at all. it means, the number of jobs which are open or even halfopen to me are so much more compared to others.
this talk made me think that although nusfass is the dumping ground, it's also the place i can do anything i want. it doesn't restict me, infact it broadens my horizons. it allows me flexibility no where else could.
if nothing else, it brought the long overdue excitment of studying in nus come.
i'm going to nusfass folks, and it'll be great.=)
everyone is going zen...or getting depressed. blogs are no longer interesting to read. most people are ging all zen about creation and peace and shits, the others are getting depressed.
what happened to all the interesting angry ranting blogs? they've either degraded to the-i-went-out-and-did-this-and-that-and-ate-this-and-that or become enlightened and update like once every blue moon and pink stars with entries which makes staring at my nails grow more interesting.
which is why i'm watching arrested development. mind you, it's far from intellectual, it however feels intellectual cause critics love it. it's one of those shows people like to pretend they watch and get the jokes which are subtle and not slapstick. so, it feels inteelectual.
and admitedly it entertains like no other.
what happened to all the interesting angry ranting blogs? they've either degraded to the-i-went-out-and-did-this-and-that-and-ate-this-and-that or become enlightened and update like once every blue moon and pink stars with entries which makes staring at my nails grow more interesting.
which is why i'm watching arrested development. mind you, it's far from intellectual, it however feels intellectual cause critics love it. it's one of those shows people like to pretend they watch and get the jokes which are subtle and not slapstick. so, it feels inteelectual.
and admitedly it entertains like no other.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
so the whole dumbass episode with my runaway phone is over. like thank god. i can't believe how absurbedly careless i was. i love my phone waay too much. anyways jun was very funny..she read my second entry yst and promptly msged my phone, and i quote, "UR FONE'S AT UR TUTEE'S HSE?? -.-".
hahs. yes, she msged that when my phone was at my tutee's house. seriously, i can't figure out who's more dumb. x)
but anyway, fingers crossed, tmr me she and jia are likely finally gonna have that movie marathon we've been meaning to have since...forever. hahs. it'll be fun. we'll watch bad movies, bitch, eat junk food, bitch, paint our nails and/or have a pillow fight whereby jun will use her all-powerful legs and bitch.
it'll be like some evil tea party. hahs. only jun will be mercilessly teased by us and i'll probably manage to take some fugly picture of her and post them here. hahahahas.
having my phone back puts me in a ridiulously good mood.
oh, and under my crap tuitioning, my p6 tutee has actually improved by leaps and bounds. even her chinese. x) this is so weird.
hahs. yes, she msged that when my phone was at my tutee's house. seriously, i can't figure out who's more dumb. x)
but anyway, fingers crossed, tmr me she and jia are likely finally gonna have that movie marathon we've been meaning to have since...forever. hahs. it'll be fun. we'll watch bad movies, bitch, eat junk food, bitch, paint our nails and/or have a pillow fight whereby jun will use her all-powerful legs and bitch.
it'll be like some evil tea party. hahs. only jun will be mercilessly teased by us and i'll probably manage to take some fugly picture of her and post them here. hahahahas.
having my phone back puts me in a ridiulously good mood.
oh, and under my crap tuitioning, my p6 tutee has actually improved by leaps and bounds. even her chinese. x) this is so weird.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
i was frolicking around deviantart.com when the advertisement page kept coming up. usually i'll be slightly annoyed by such advertising gimmicks but i saw one which totally tickled me. it was for the online game: EVE. so yeah, everytime i saw it i was giggling to myself..like it was a natural high. and then i relised exactly how self obsessed i am.
so i opened up another explorer and trotted down to blogskins and typed "eve" cause yaknow, i wanted to show exactly how self obsessed i am with my blog. so there i was thinking along the lines of big EVE in gothic letters or plain black and white...or something, anything to do with EVE.
however blogskins is evil and my search result for 'eve' was a grand total of 12 with most of them being 'xmas eve skins!! woohoo!'
eh, yeah whatever.

this doodle was done during one of the studying days for A's with mh. see, sitting in a cramped space of an ulu macs with a constant weekly diet of greesy food topped with having to cram 2years worth of work results in my brain being have spazzed. couple a spazzed brain with frayed emotions and you get me going all morbid and weird. ergo, you get this doodle.
this is probably why i did shit for my A's.
on a sidenote, juan is trying to physco me into living in the nus halls. i'm still considering. whee.
so i opened up another explorer and trotted down to blogskins and typed "eve" cause yaknow, i wanted to show exactly how self obsessed i am with my blog. so there i was thinking along the lines of big EVE in gothic letters or plain black and white...or something, anything to do with EVE.
however blogskins is evil and my search result for 'eve' was a grand total of 12 with most of them being 'xmas eve skins!! woohoo!'
eh, yeah whatever.

this doodle was done during one of the studying days for A's with mh. see, sitting in a cramped space of an ulu macs with a constant weekly diet of greesy food topped with having to cram 2years worth of work results in my brain being have spazzed. couple a spazzed brain with frayed emotions and you get me going all morbid and weird. ergo, you get this doodle.
this is probably why i did shit for my A's.
on a sidenote, juan is trying to physco me into living in the nus halls. i'm still considering. whee.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
the horror.
school holidays are coming. which mean every public place will be invaded by kids.
the horror.
i can just picture town crawling with them. all the girls will be in tight pink tops and mini skirts and the guys leering at them very obviously(like what some kids did to jia on jun's bday). it'll be terrifying!!!!!!!
i'll no longer be able to enjoy peace and quiet in town during weekday mornings. i'll have to jostle with the crowd and become all claustrophobic. my ears would be bombarded with loud shierk, squeals and that awfully LOUD and noisy chatter!!!!!!
singapore will be infested with such vermin!!!!!!!!!!!
the horror.
i think i'm gonna hibernate during the month of june.
school holidays are coming. which mean every public place will be invaded by kids.
the horror.
i can just picture town crawling with them. all the girls will be in tight pink tops and mini skirts and the guys leering at them very obviously(like what some kids did to jia on jun's bday). it'll be terrifying!!!!!!!
i'll no longer be able to enjoy peace and quiet in town during weekday mornings. i'll have to jostle with the crowd and become all claustrophobic. my ears would be bombarded with loud shierk, squeals and that awfully LOUD and noisy chatter!!!!!!
singapore will be infested with such vermin!!!!!!!!!!!
the horror.
i think i'm gonna hibernate during the month of june.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
i like driving.
my mind is drawing a blank here.
anyways, dealbreaker: http://justinelarbalestier.com/blog/?p=322#comments
i don't think i have one. i basically read anything which is good enough to capture my attention by the second page. or the second paragraph for that matter. hmm. maybe i do have one dealbreaker, crap writing. as in bad grammer. which is why i stopped bloghopping. my brain needs brainwashing in the form of seriously serious and boring articles. like those you find in TIME mag(bush bush bush. it's always about bush.).
i wish more books were like scripts of shows like grey's anatomy or scrubs. like 'i, lucifer'. now that was a great book. except for the ending when lucifer got human-ish and lost his initail charm. but it was still cool.
been hanging around youtube.com everytime i have a go at my lappy. pretty cool stuff there. like full episodes of animes and rare old music videos. they also have pretty lame stuff like the 'music video' made up of legolas saying one line, 'they're bringing the hobbits to isengard!!', that totally wasted me and left me stunned for a good minute and a half. hehs.
hmmmmm.. steve chia naked mp. i remember him pretty well cause bong told us about him. appearantly he's from nyjc and did horribly till the A's where he scored three straight A's and went on to uni to do....get this, philosophy. erm...okay whatever works.
my mind is drawing a blank here.
anyways, dealbreaker: http://justinelarbalestier.com/blog/?p=322#comments
i don't think i have one. i basically read anything which is good enough to capture my attention by the second page. or the second paragraph for that matter. hmm. maybe i do have one dealbreaker, crap writing. as in bad grammer. which is why i stopped bloghopping. my brain needs brainwashing in the form of seriously serious and boring articles. like those you find in TIME mag(bush bush bush. it's always about bush.).
i wish more books were like scripts of shows like grey's anatomy or scrubs. like 'i, lucifer'. now that was a great book. except for the ending when lucifer got human-ish and lost his initail charm. but it was still cool.
been hanging around youtube.com everytime i have a go at my lappy. pretty cool stuff there. like full episodes of animes and rare old music videos. they also have pretty lame stuff like the 'music video' made up of legolas saying one line, 'they're bringing the hobbits to isengard!!', that totally wasted me and left me stunned for a good minute and a half. hehs.
hmmmmm.. steve chia naked mp. i remember him pretty well cause bong told us about him. appearantly he's from nyjc and did horribly till the A's where he scored three straight A's and went on to uni to do....get this, philosophy. erm...okay whatever works.
Sunday, May 7, 2006
went down to NTUHSS's tea party today. didn't really want to, cause i didn't know anyone who was going and i already got accepted by nus. but in the end i went, cause my dad was like 'let's not shut any doors now, keep your options open' and deep down i really didn't want to blow my chance at anything.
it is nicer to recieve an acceptance letter than a rejection one no? hahs.
so anyways, i went there and realise that it's most likely i got into the socialogy major. which kinda bummed me out, cause i put physcology before socialogy. i'm definitly more interested in the former. but anyways, one of the prof started speaking to us and telling us all about what socialogy is, and how he got into it. it was pretty interesting. then the vice dean guy started his presentation which really was just a repeat of his presentation on NTU's open house with a few lame political jokes (progress packages, lift-upgrading...) which no one really got.
met a nice girl there. her name's jenna. she was alone, like me. cause she was from the science stream so didn't know many people going for arts, like me. had sucky results and was immensly reliefed to hear anything at all from the uni, like me. hahs. so it was like, instantaneous click. we spent a while chatting and then slipped off together. hehes. well, i hope to see her around. all the best where ever you are jenna!! =)
hmmm, it's true that NTU's selling point is their small classes and direct honours programme. but still, socialogy isn't what i want. i would much prefer to do political science. well, there's still plenty of time for me to muddle it over in my head.
so elections are over...nothing unexpected happened. this is so tame.
it is nicer to recieve an acceptance letter than a rejection one no? hahs.
so anyways, i went there and realise that it's most likely i got into the socialogy major. which kinda bummed me out, cause i put physcology before socialogy. i'm definitly more interested in the former. but anyways, one of the prof started speaking to us and telling us all about what socialogy is, and how he got into it. it was pretty interesting. then the vice dean guy started his presentation which really was just a repeat of his presentation on NTU's open house with a few lame political jokes (progress packages, lift-upgrading...) which no one really got.
met a nice girl there. her name's jenna. she was alone, like me. cause she was from the science stream so didn't know many people going for arts, like me. had sucky results and was immensly reliefed to hear anything at all from the uni, like me. hahs. so it was like, instantaneous click. we spent a while chatting and then slipped off together. hehes. well, i hope to see her around. all the best where ever you are jenna!! =)
hmmm, it's true that NTU's selling point is their small classes and direct honours programme. but still, socialogy isn't what i want. i would much prefer to do political science. well, there's still plenty of time for me to muddle it over in my head.
so elections are over...nothing unexpected happened. this is so tame.
Saturday, May 6, 2006
urgh. my tutees owe me money. gimmie my pay.
polling is over. i'm under hongkah grc, so it was a walkover. how uninteresting. on thurs, sda had a rally at cck for the smc. but my dad said it was gonna rain and refused to accompany me. so uninteresting. well, think the results should be out soon. wee.
i am like the expert at weird gifts. for yeo's bday, i got her a rug, a single stalk of flower, one of those things which hang above a baby's crib and a shoehorn.
yes, a shoehorn.
polling is over. i'm under hongkah grc, so it was a walkover. how uninteresting. on thurs, sda had a rally at cck for the smc. but my dad said it was gonna rain and refused to accompany me. so uninteresting. well, think the results should be out soon. wee.
i am like the expert at weird gifts. for yeo's bday, i got her a rug, a single stalk of flower, one of those things which hang above a baby's crib and a shoehorn.
yes, a shoehorn.
Friday, May 5, 2006
Thursday, May 4, 2006
so my tutee's parents are going crazy cause it's the mid years. so the past few days have been spent going for driving then rushing down for tuition. not that i really mind. more lessons means more money. so i'm not gonna complain.
have booked my driving test date. it's in july. >.< so excited...even if it's like 2 months away. still. i totally can't wait to get my license. i'll be like singapore's no1 road hazzard. x) but seriously, it's so damn hard to pass. every little thing they take note and there's like only 24 demerit points to minus before you fail. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. and it costs a hefty 154bucks just to take the damn test. honestly.
yeo's bday is tmr and jun's in on the 10th. and mother's day is on the 14th.
am actually rather glad for the extra tuitioning.
have booked my driving test date. it's in july. >.< so excited...even if it's like 2 months away. still. i totally can't wait to get my license. i'll be like singapore's no1 road hazzard. x) but seriously, it's so damn hard to pass. every little thing they take note and there's like only 24 demerit points to minus before you fail. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. and it costs a hefty 154bucks just to take the damn test. honestly.
yeo's bday is tmr and jun's in on the 10th. and mother's day is on the 14th.
am actually rather glad for the extra tuitioning.
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
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