it is still raining.......o_O
it's been pouring for ages..... at this rate singapore is gonna flood..
meeh. i want to watch narnia again. weee!
i bought pointy shoes with jia that day.
yes, pointy shoes.
they make my feet look elegant i love them.
i decided to season them before wearing them for cny. because i have ugly big feet, so i know they'll hurt if i wore them for a first time for a long period of time. and since my room is cleaned up, there is much floor space for me to walk.
they effing hurt. =( but they are so pretty..nice pointy shoes are out to kill me.
i am regaining my voice. met serene and yeo for dinner yesterday. i felt like a toad. hahas. but it was really fun. they didn't noticed i cut my hair tho...=( oh..and westmall is as boring as when we were in sec school. hahs. as we walked around, yeo was talking about all the past fun we had as mindless sec school kids. hahas.......i feel so old. (not as old as jia tho...muahahaha, someone's gonna be 19 soon!!) makes me think about the css days..those were fun..hahas. wanted to go back and help with the orientation this year when xj called me about and jia had plans to go for the real thing but not the workshop so tt during the real thing we could be there...yet not know anything so won't have to do much. hahahas. essentially just be back to see friends, teachers and just slack. heehee ^^ of course now that plan is down the bin. will be in nz till the 23rd....that's really loooong ya know. i'll miss going out with all my friends. =(
my nails are metallic blue. it's kinda creepy... wee.