Saturday, August 10, 2013

Be happy.

I've always believe in positive thinking. Or rather, I tend to not want to dwell on unhappy memories. While I learn lessons, what is the point of moping about it all?

But do I then lack reflection and review? As I block out the unhappiness do I actually miss out on learning?

When WSX passed, a teacher told me that such events, we go through to learn, and in this case learn to treasure my friends. And I remember sobbing saying "I'd rather not learn these lessons." Which she agreed.

I have this sinking feeling that you'll never know true happiness because you never know true sadness. Which means I'm missing out on a lot. I've blocked off a lot of unhappiness in my life, because I'm practical. Dwelling on the unhappy just isn't rational. Why should you care when others don't?

A cost benefit analysis. True happiness is not worth true unhappiness.

I think my mind has concluded that being numb and moderately happy is better than knowing true (un)happiness.